Releases: saber-notes/saber
Releases · saber-notes/saber
- Login autofill support for Android
- Prevent toolbar from overlapping with the iOS navigation bar (#7)
- Automatically check if the app needs updating
- Windows can now show the build number on the Settings page
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4
Snapshot of Discussion #1
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This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Distinguish finger and stylus when scrolling/panning through notes
- Tool switching system
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Log in to Nextcloud
- Cloud sync notes
- Various visual changes to the editor's toolbar including
- Icons now have tooltip labels
- Toolbar is now on the bottom of the screen (you can change this in the settings)
- Bug fix: toggling finger drawing in the editor no longer sometimes deletes the last stroke
- When creating a new note, it will have a nicer shorter filename (#6)
- Behind the scenes progress towards cloud sync
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
Snapshot of Discussion #1
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This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Distinguish finger and stylus when scrolling/panning through notes
- Tool switching system
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Log in to Nextcloud
- Cloud sync notes
- Linux users have the app themed with the main gtk colour
- The editor toolbar scrolls if it's too long
- You can now switch between the pen and eraser properly
- Canvas previews are now cached for homepage performance
- Canvas now scrolls and writes as you'd expect
- With finger drawing off, you can draw with your stylus and pan/zoom with your fingers
- The editor keeps one empty page at the end so you can quickly move to the next page of whatever you're writing
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
Snapshot of Discussion #1
Click to expand
This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Distinguish finger and stylus when scrolling/panning through notes
- Tool switching system
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Log in to Nextcloud
- Cloud sync notes
- Added a hero transition between the home page and notes editor
- Remove the gap where folders would be displayed if there's no folders
- Package for Windows and iOS (#4 How to install Saber on iOS)
- Notes now support multiple pages (currently it's not very user friendly)
- Fix the file tree (on desktop/tablet) not showing sometimes
- In the file tree, directories are now displayed above files (rather than just in alphabetical order)
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1
Snapshot of Discussion #1
Click to expand
This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Distinguish finger and stylus when scrolling/panning through notes
- Tool switching system
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Log in to Nextcloud
- Cloud sync notes
- The Settings page now shows the app version and license information
- The Settings page has a (working) section to log in to Nextcloud
- UI is yellow by default to match the icon (does not affect Android devices with Monet custom colors)
- Updated privacy policy
Full Changelog: v0.0.10...v0.1.0
Snapshot of Discussion #1
Click to expand
This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Tool switching system
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Log in to Nextcloud
- Cloud sync notes
- Fixed stylus detection from v0.0.9
- Automatically uses real pressure sensitivity with a stylus and simulated pressure sensitivity when using a finger.
Full Changelog: v0.0.9...v0.0.10
Snapshot of Discussion #1
Click to expand
This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Tool switching system
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Cloud sync
- Self-hosted cloud sync
- Add finger drawing toggle (when off, only stylus inputs are accepted)
- Fix a bug when erasing multiple strokes in the same frame
Full Changelog: v0.0.8...v0.0.9
Snapshot of Discussion #1
Click to expand
This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Tool switching system
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Cloud sync
- Self-hosted cloud sync
- Very minor updates
- Privacy policy updated and link added in Settings page
Full Changelog: v0.0.7...v0.0.8
Snapshot of Discussion #1
Click to expand
This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Tool switching system
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Cloud sync
- Self-hosted cloud sync
- Hero page transition when opening a note
- When creating a new note, a random name will be chosen instead of the same name each time.
- Empty notes don't cause the home screen to crash anymore
Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.7
Snapshot of Discussion #1
Click to expand
This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Cloud sync
- Self-hosted cloud sync
- Home screen note previews can have different heights to create a nice masonry layout
- The file tree in the desktop/tablet navbar now shows your actual files rather than dummy data
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6
Snapshot of Discussion #1
Click to expand
This discussion post will track implemented features.
- General UI
- Material You dynamic theming; dark mode
- Basic writing on canvas
- Undo/redo
- Zooming
- Erasing writing on canvas
- Changing writing colour
- Saving on local storage
- Renaming notes
- Populate home screen with real data
- Populate navbar file tree with real data
- Show canvas previews on homepage
- Allow notes to have multiple pages
- Highlighter
- Select/move tool
- Shape tool
- Canvas backgrounds
- Add images to canvas
- Cloud sync
- Self-hosted cloud sync