- nightly/beta regressions (acrichto)
- broken crates.io crates (acrichto) 1278/3115 last published before 1.0 = 41% 890/3115 broken on 1.3 = 29% https://gist.github.com/alexcrichton/fcacdf0de38749d42560 860/3115 broken on 1.5 = 28%
- new IRC channels (steveklabnik)
- crates.io outage (aturon + acrichto) https://gist.github.com/alexcrichton/d53924796df057ca0594
- catch_panic + exception safe story (acrichto) https://gist.github.com/alexcrichton/c884155509a953efe493
- Define Tier-1, Tier-2 platforms (aturon)
- 3-5 regressions that've popped up. They've been nominated, but need to be looked at by the relevant teams. Each of them has a small test case.
- 41% of all published crates haven't been published since 1.0
These are likely overestimates due to testing only on Unix; most failures are -sys crates:
- 29% crates broken on 1.3
- 28% crates broken on 1.5
Is there low-hanging fruit for improving the crates.io experience here?
Made #rust-docs channel, hoping to grow community around docs work
There's been a suggestion for a beginner channel. While #rust is friendly, but people are still often afraid to ask, and the channel often has deep technical discussion which can be off-putting.
Would need to be advertised widely
Recently Alex received a text saying that crates.io was down. DNS issues again. It's not clear how to fix it without a dedicated EC2 instance. Some limitations around Heroku, in theory you can work around it but still seems to fall down in practice.
- Wait and see whether shorter TTL helps
- Pick another DNS provider...
- Set up a proxy
Alex did some experiments: https://gist.github.com/alexcrichton/c884155509a953efe493
Includes all of the impls except for Send + 'static
Claim that usual pitfalls of OIBIT don't really apply here, given AssertExnSafe and the use cases we have in mind.
- Need to spec out and post our policy here more clearly. Alex to make initial draft.