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58 lines (40 loc) · 1.89 KB


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58 lines (40 loc) · 1.89 KB
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EAPeak is a suite of open source tools to facilitate auditing of wireless networks that utilize the Extensible Authentication Protocol framework for authentication. It is meant to give useful information relating to the security of these networks for pentesters to use while searching for vulnerabilities.


EAPeak is released under the BSD 3-clause license, for more details see the LICENSE file.


Author: Spencer McIntyre - zeroSteiner (@zeroSteiner)


EAPeak uses pipenv to manage it's dependencies and environment.

  1. If pipenv is not already installed, use pip to install it.
    • sudo pip install pipenv
  2. Clone the EAPeak repository from GitHub and change directories into it.
    • git clone /~
    • cd eapeak
  3. Install the environment and dependencies (this may take a while).
    • pipenv --two install
  4. Start a pipenv shell to use EAPeak.
    • pipenv shell

Note: If EAPeak must be run as root (as is required for live capturing or injection), then steps 3 and 4 must also be run as the root user. It is recommended to do so from an interactive shell as the root user (using su or sudo -i as opposed to simply using sudo.