rskip | title | description | status | purpose | author | layer | complexity | created |
218 |
New Fee Rewards Address for the RSK Core Developers Fund |
Accepted |
Usa |
FJ (@fedejinich) |
Core |
1 |
2021-03-25 |
RSKIP | 218 |
Title | New Fee Rewards Address for the RSK Core Developers Fund |
Created | 25-03-2021 |
Author | FJ |
Purpose | Usa |
Layer | Core |
Complexity | 1 |
Status | Accepted |
Set a new reward address for the RSK Core Developers Fund
REMASC precompiled contract should pay fees at a new address.
When blockNumber > iris_hardfork
update the fee rewards address:
- Old address:
- New address:
[1] RSKIP14 /~
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