OpenNMS - EMC Unisphere datacollection
This requires the opennms xml-datacollection plugin installed. This also requires the EMC naviseccli command line utility to be installed.
Copy all files to their respective paths under $OPENNMS_HOME/.
Edit bin/ and modify these lines per your environment: my $NAVISECCLI_USER = 'admin'; my $NAVISECCLI_PASSWORD = '********'; my @NAVISPHERE_HOST_IPADDRS = qw( );
The array @NAVISPHERE_HOST_IPADDRS should contain the ip addresses of your EMC Unisphere SPs.
Run the script and it should create xml output files for each SP in /opt/opennms/tmp/emc-unisphere.
You can set this script to run via a cron job. Gathering the disk, lun and metalun metrics requires a fair amount of time. In our environment, the script takes about 90 seconds to run, so we kept to the standard 5 minute datacollection period.
For OpenNMS:
- Edit $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/datacollection-config.xml and add include-collection for 'EMC-Unisphere' so the resource types get defined.
- Edit $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/xml-datacollection-config.xml and add the contents from etc/xml-datacollection-config.xml.part.
- Add a service to your EMC SP nodes for this XmlCollector.
- Add a service entry in collectd-configuration.xml for this XmlCollector service.