Help make this project better by contributing. All contributions are welcome and appreciated! To get started, log an issue to the issue tracker or submit a pull request.
Please review the below guidelines to ensure a smooth process.
🎉 Thanks! 🎉
- Browse the existing issues before logging new issues.
- Open an issue with a descriptive title and summary.
- Be as clear and explicit as you can in your description of the problem.
- State the version of operating system, browser, and reveal-leap-motion you are using in the description.
- Include any relevant code in the issue summary.
- Read how to properly contribute to open source projects on Github.
- Fork the project.
- Use a feature branch.
- Write good commit messages.
- Use the same coding conventions as the rest of the project.
- Commit locally and push to your fork until you are ready to submit your contribution.
- Make sure to add tests and verify all the tests are passing when issuing your pull request.
- Open a pull request.