All Extras / Lights Out / Auto Wallet Unlock using Encyrypted Wallet Password
Difficulty: Medium
If your lnd wallet is locked, the lnd server is effectively offline and can not participate in the Lightning Network.
This guide explains how to automatically unlock the RaspiBolt Lighting (lnd) wallet using a webserver at a different location. The objective is to have a 'Lights Off' RaspiBolt that recovers automatically all the way to an unlocked wallet in the event that it has rebooted and is unattended - e.g. a power failure.
If you store your Wallet Password anywhere you risk loosing 100% of your wallet funds to bad actors. By implementing any of this guide, you accept 100% of any risk.
These instructions were written with lnd at version V0.4.2, and updated for V0.7.*.
- Your RaspiBolt
- A webserver at a different location that you control, with
- Your RaspiBolt must be behind a firewall with either:
- A static public IP, or
- A static public Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). This can be provided using a Dynamic DNS Service.
As the RaspiBolt is probably more secure than your webserver, all password encryption and decryption is done on the RaspiBolt.
In these instructions,
- Your wallet password is not be stored anywhere in plain text; it is stored encrypted (using a Public Key) on the webserver.
- The Private Key (decryption key) is stored on the RaspiBolt.
Hacker access after RaspiBolt reboot | Hacker Can ... | Hacker Can Not ... |
RaspiBolt Physical Access | Login, See Wallet Password, Open Wallet, Spend BTC | |
Remote webserver Login | Stop wallet automatically unlocking | See Wallet Password, Spend BTC, Login to RaspiBolt |
This does open a new attack vector so adds risk. But to spend your coins, a hacker would still need
- LAN access to your RaspiBolt,
- the admin SSH certificate, and
- to have not moved the RaspiBolt to a network with a different public interface.
- A cron job runs hourly on the RaspiBolt.
- If it finds the wallet is locked, the RaspiBolt ...
- retrieves the encrypted wallet password from the webserver
- decrypts the wallet password using the Private Key
- unlocks the wallet with the wallet password
- The webserver only responds to requests from the IP address (or FQDN) you nominate.
If not already done, follow these instructions
- Edit your lnd.conf to enable the REST interface.
admin ~ ฿ nano /home/bitcoin/.lnd/lnd.conf
[Application Options]
Login to your webserver and add this PHP file so it can be accessed via a URL like:
An offsite web server to support a RaspiBolt (/~
/////////// CHANGE ME /////////////////
//Lock down source security
// 'xx' must be either:
// 'IP' : Set 'yyy' to the public static IP address of your RaspiBolt (eg. '')
// 'FQDN': Set 'yyy' to the public FQDN of your RaspiBolt (eg. '')
$source = array('xx'=>'yyy');
//If BLANK, no emails sent
$notifyEmail = '';
/////////// END CHANGE ME /////////////
// Only allow if source is the RaspiBolt site
if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $source['IP']) exit;
} elseif (isset($source['FQDN'])) {
if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != gethostbyname($source['FQDN'])) exit;
} else {
echo '$source not set';
eg curl -F 'file=@channel.backup'
$filename = 'ChannelBackups/'.$_FILES['file']['name'].'_'.date('Ymd_H:i:s');
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $filename);
echo "File $filename saved\n";
if($notifyEmail) mail($notifyEmail,"[raspibolt] File $filename saved" ,__FILE__);
//CASE 2 - Actions
case 'getEncryptedPassword':
Login as admin to your RaspiBolt and execute these commands
admin ~ ฿ mkdir temp_unlock
admin ~ ฿ cd temp_unlock
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ ls -la
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Jun 19 14:33 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 admin admin 4096 Jun 19 14:29 ..
-rw------- 1 admin admin 1679 Jun 19 14:32 private.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 451 Jun 19 14:33 public.pem
In the steps below, you will encrypt your password, and then check you can correctly decode it. This is done in such a way that your wallet password is not saved in the terminal history file.
Change MyUnlockWalletPassword
to your LND wallet password [C]
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ echo -n 'Enter LND wallet password [C]: ';read -s password; echo -n $password | openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey public.pem -pubin |base64 > wallet_password.enc;echo
Enter LND wallet password [C]: MyUnlockWalletPassword
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ cat wallet_password.enc | base64 -d | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey private.pem;echo
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ cat wallet_password.enc
[...lines deleted...]
On your webserver, edit the CHANGE ME section in the PHP file to:
- include either the IP ADDRESS or FQDN of your RaspiBolt.
- enter the output of
cat wallet_password.enc
, as the ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD. CAREFUL: Do not accidentally add extra spaces between the''
From the admin login on the RaspiBolt, execute this command (CHANGE_ME should be the FQDN of your webserver. e.g.
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ curl --data "action=getEncryptedPassword" https://CHANGE_ME/raspibolt/utilities.php;echo
[...lines deleted...]
If you do not see your Encrypted Password, try temporarily commenting out the line in the PHP file below // DIAGNOSTICS:
and trying again.
Also remove write permission.
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ sudo mv private.pem /home/bitcoin/.lnd/
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ sudo chmod 0400 /home/bitcoin/.lnd/private.pem
admin ~/temp_unlock ฿ cd ..
admin ~ ฿ rm -r temp_unlock
- Create and save hourly cron job.
Note: The cron job will run approximately every 60 mins, but not usually at 'the top of the hour'.
admin ~ ฿ sudo touch /etc/cron.hourly/lnd_unlock
admin ~ ฿ sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/lnd_unlock
admin ~ ฿ sudo nano /etc/cron.hourly/lnd_unlock
Change the CHANGE_ME section
###### CHANGE_ME ############
###### END CHANGE_ME ########
locked=$(/usr/local/bin/raspibolt 2> /dev/null | grep 'Wallet Locked' > /dev/null;echo $?)
if [ "$locked" == "1" ]; then
ln_version=$(/usr/local/bin/lnd --version | awk '{print $3}')
case $ln_version in
echo Unknown lnd Version: $ln_version
response=$(curl -s --data "action=getEncryptedPassword" https://${url})
pw=$(echo $response| sed 's/ /\n/g' | base64 -d | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey /home/bitcoin/.lnd/private.pem)
curl --insecure \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Grpc-Metadata-macaroon: $(xxd -ps -u -c 1000 $macaroon)" \
--data "{\"wallet_password\":\"$(echo -n ${pw}|base64)\"}" \
In this section you will lock your lnd wallet, and then unlock it with the cron file.
Note: It is not clear why but lnd responds with {"error":"context canceled","code":1}
when the wallet is successfully unlocked.
admin ~ ฿ sudo systemctl restart lnd
admin ~ ฿ raspibolt
..... Wallet Locked ....
admin ~ ฿ /etc/cron.hourly/lnd_unlock;echo
{"error":"context canceled","code":1}
admin ~ ฿ sleep 30;raspibolt
If you do not see Wallet Locked: Congratulations - everything is working fine!
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