usage: magnipore [-h] [--guppy_bin GUPPY_BIN] [--guppy_model GUPPY_MODEL] [--guppy_device GUPPY_DEVICE] [-b1 FASTQ] [-b2 FASTQ] [-s1 TXT] [-s2 TXT] [-d] [-t THREADS] [-fr] [-mx {map-ont,splice,ava-ont}] [-mk MINIMAP2K] [--timeit] [-rna] [-r10] [-km KMER_MODEL] [-v]
raw_data_first_sample reference_first_sample label_first_sample raw_data_sec_sample reference_sec_sample label_sec_sample working_dir
Required tools: see github /~
positional arguments:
Parent directory of FAST5 files of first sample, can also be a single SLOW5 or BLOW5 file of first sample, that contains all reads, ifFASTQs are provided
reference FASTA file of first sample, POSITIVE (+) or FORWARD strand, ATTENTION: can only contain a single sequence
label_first_sample Name of the sample or pipeline run
raw_data_sec_sample Parent directory of FAST5 files of second sample, can also be SLOW5 or BLOW5 file of second sample, that contains all reads, if FASTQs
are provided
reference_sec_sample reference FASTA file of second sample, POSITIVE (+) or FORWARD strand, ATTENTION: can only contain a single sequence
label_sec_sample Name of the sample or pipeline run
working_dir Path to write all output files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--guppy_bin GUPPY_BIN
Guppy binary (default: None)
--guppy_model GUPPY_MODEL
Guppy model used for basecalling (default: None)
--guppy_device GUPPY_DEVICE
Use the GPU to basecall "cuda:0" to use the GPU with ID 0 (default: cuda:0)
-b1 FASTQ, --basecalls_first_sample FASTQ
Path to existing basecalls of first sample. Basecalls must be in one single file. (default: None)
-b2 FASTQ, --basecalls_sec_sample FASTQ
Path to existing basecalls of second sample. Basecalls must be in one single file. (default: None)
-s1 TXT, --sequencing_summary_first_sample TXT
Use, when sequencing summary is not next to your FASTQ file. Path to existing sequencing summary file of second sample. (default:
-s2 TXT, --sequencing_summary_sec_sample TXT
Use, when sequencing summary is not next to your FASTQ file. Path to existing sequencing summary file of first sample. (default: None)
-d, --calculate_data_density
Will calculate data density after building the models. Will increase runtime! (default: False)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use (default: 1)
-fr, --force_rebuild Run commands regardless if files are already present (default: False)
-mx {map-ont,splice,ava-ont}, --minimap2x {map-ont,splice,ava-ont}
-x parameter for minimap2 (default: map-ont)
-mk MINIMAP2K, --minimap2k MINIMAP2K
-k parameter for minimap2 (default: 14)
--timeit Measure and print time used by submodules (default: False)
-rna, --rna Use when data is rna (default: False)
-r10, --r10 Use when data is from R10.4.1 flowcell (default: False)
-km KMER_MODEL, --kmer_model KMER_MODEL
custom kmer model file for f5c eventalign (default: None)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: nanosherlock [-h] [--guppy_bin GUPPY_BIN] [--guppy_model GUPPY_MODEL] [--guppy_device GUPPY_DEVICE] [--basecalls FASTQ] [--sequencing_summary TXT] [--calculate_data_density] [-t THREADS] [-fr] [-mx {map-ont,splice,ava-ont}] [-mk MINIMAP2K] [--timeit] [--max_lines MAX_LINES] [-rna] [-r10] [-km KMER_MODEL] [-e ERROR_PREFIX] [-v] raw_data reference working_dir sample_label
Required tools: see github /~
positional arguments:
raw_data Parent directory of FAST5 files, can also be a direct path to a single SLOW5 or BLOW5 file, that contains all reads, if FASTQs are provided
reference reference FASTA file, POSITIVE (+) or FORWARD strand
working_dir Path to write all output files
sample_label Name of the sample or pipeline run
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--guppy_bin GUPPY_BIN
Guppy binary (default: None)
--guppy_model GUPPY_MODEL
Guppy model for basecalling (default: None)
--guppy_device GUPPY_DEVICE
Use the gpu to basecall with cuda:0 (default: None)
--basecalls FASTQ Path to existing basecalls. Basecalls must be in one single file. (default: None)
--sequencing_summary TXT
Use, when sequencing summary is not next to your FASTQ file. Path to existing sequencing summary file of sample. (default: None)
Will calculate data density after building the models. Will increase runtime! (default: False)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use (default: None)
-fr, --force_rebuild Run commands regardless if files are already present (default: False)
-mx {map-ont,splice,ava-ont}, --minimap2x {map-ont,splice,ava-ont}
-x parameter for minimap2 (default: map-ont)
-mk MINIMAP2K, --minimap2k MINIMAP2K
-k parameter for minimap2 (default: 14)
--timeit Measure and print time used by submodules (default: False)
--max_lines MAX_LINES
Only process first given number of lines from segmentation eventalign (default: None)
-rna Use when data is rna (default: False)
-r10 Use when data is from R10.4.1 flowcell (default: False)
-km KMER_MODEL, --kmer_model KMER_MODEL
custom kmer model file for f5c eventalign (default: None)
-e ERROR_PREFIX, --error_prefix ERROR_PREFIX
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: magniplot [-h] [-f FONTSIZE] [-t THREADS] [-nl NUM_LINES] [-ml MAX_LINES] [-c COVERAGE] [-s SEED] [-v]
magnipore outdir label_first_sample label_sec_sample
Creating plots (MeDAS, etc) for a given .magnipore file. If the number of entries in the .magnipore file exceeds `max_lines`, this script will randomly sample from the .magnipore file to create the plot.
positional arguments:
magnipore Magnipore-style output
outdir Path to write plots.
label_first_sample Name of the sample or pipeline run
label_sec_sample Name of the sample or pipeline run
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FONTSIZE, --fontsize FONTSIZE
Fontsize for plots (default: 18)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of processes to use to create plots (default: 1)
-nl NUM_LINES, --num_lines NUM_LINES
Providing the number of lines in file speeds up the process. (default: None)
-ml MAX_LINES, --max_lines MAX_LINES
Plot max this number of entries. Do not set this score too high, as it increases runtime and memory usage. If you have data with a low coverage, many entries/lines in the .magnipore file could be NANs. These are filtered out. Increase this number have more get more entries with data. (default: 1500000)
-c COVERAGE, --coverage COVERAGE
Coverage cutoff threshold for the plots. (default: 10)
-s SEED, --seed SEED Set a random seed to reproduce the same image. (default: None)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: magnicheck [-h] [--coverage COVERAGE] [--valid_sep VALID_SEP] [--pore {r9,r10}] [-v] magnipore magnipore_poscol refid eval_csv refcol poscol outfile
A small script that compares the Magnipore output file with a given validationset in form of a table in a CSV file. Your table should contain the reference
id/name, that was also used during the Magnipore analysis, and the validation positions on the given reference. The script will then check, if Magnipore found
significant positions in a kmer range of the positions in the validation table (CSV). The kmer range depends on the used pore during sequencing. You can
specify the used pore with the --pore parameter. You should also think about the coverage threshold. This script will by default filter out positions from the
Magnipore output, where at least one sample has a coverage less than 10 reads.
positional arguments:
magnipore Magnipore file with called differential modifications.
magnipore_poscol Which position to validate from the Magnipore output.
refid Reference id or name - This id must match between the magnipore file and the your validation table (CSV).
eval_csv CSV file containing the validation table. The table contains the reference id and position of validated (ground truth) modifications.
refcol Column containing the reference ids.
poscol Column containing the validated positions.
outfile Name of the output file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--coverage COVERAGE Coverage filter to apply to the Magnipore output. (default: 10)
--valid_sep VALID_SEP
Separation character in your CSV file. (default: ,)
--pore {r9,r10} Which pore you used during sequencing. (default: r9)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: magnifilter [-h] [-c COVERAGE] [-v] magnipore
A small script to filter the .magnipore output for a given coverage threshold. Please provide the path to the .magnipore file and a coverage threshold. All
compared positions, where at least one sample has a coverage below your given threshold will be filtered out. The remaining positions are written to a file
with the name of the provided magnipore file and the suffix "_c10": e.g. <given_magnipore_file>_c10.magnipore
positional arguments:
magnipore .magnipore file to filter for a given coverage threshold
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c COVERAGE, --coverage COVERAGE
Coverage threshold to filter for. Results, where at least one sample has a coverage below the given threshold are filtered out. Results, where both samples have a coverage equal or higher than the threshold remain. (default: 10)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit