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Supervisor Software Events Extension (EID #0x535345 "SSE")

The SBI Supervisor Software Events (SSE) extension provides a mechanism to inject software events from an SBI implementation to supervisor software such that it preempts all other traps and interrupts. The supervisor software will receive software events only on harts which are ready to receive them. A software event is delivered only after supervisor software has registered an event handler and enabled the software event.

The software events are one of two types: local or global. A local software event is local to a hart and can be handled only on that hart whereas a global software event is a system event and can be handled by any participating hart.

Software Event Identification

Each software event is identified by a unique 32-bit unsigned integer called event_id. The event_id space is divided into multiple 16-bit ranges where each 16-bit range is encoded as follows:

    event_id[14:14] = Platform (0: Standard event, 1: Platform specific event)
    event_id[15:15] = Global (0: Local event, 1: Global event)

The SSE Event ID Space below show the complete event_id space along with standard events based on the above encoding.

Table 1. SSE Event ID Space
Software Event ID Description

Range 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff


Local High Priority RAS event


Local double trap event

0x00000002 - 0x00003fff

Local events reserved for future use

0x00004000 - 0x00007fff

Platform specific local events


Global High Priority RAS event

0x00008001 - 0x0000bfff

Global events reserved for future use

0x0000c000 - 0x0000ffff

Platform specific global events

Range 0x00010000 - 0x0001ffff


Local PMU overflow event (depends on overflow IRQ)

0x00010001 - 0x00013fff

Local events reserved for future use

0x00014000 - 0x00017fff

Platform specific local events

0x00018000 - 0x0001bfff

Global events reserved for future use

0x0001c000 - 0x0001ffff

Platform specific global events


Range 0x00100000 - 0x0010ffff


Local Low Priority RAS event

0x00100001 - 0x00103fff

Local events reserved for future use

0x00104000 - 0x00107fff

Platform specific local events


Global Low Priority RAS event

0x00108001 - 0x0010bfff

Global events reserved for future use

0x0010c000 - 0x0010ffff

Platform specific global events


Range 0xffff0000 - 0xffffffff


Software injected local event

0xffff0001 - 0xffff3fff

Local events reserved for future use

0xffff4000 - 0xffff7fff

Platform specific local events


Software injected global event

0xffff8001 - 0xffffbfff

Global events reserved for future use

0xffffc000 - 0xffffffff

Platform specific global events

Software Event States

At any point in time, a software event MUST be in one of the following states:

  1. UNUSED - Software event is not used by supervisor software

  2. REGISTERED - Supervisor software has provided an event handler for the software event

  3. ENABLED - Supervisor software is ready to handle the software event

  4. RUNNING - Supervisor software is handling the software event

A global software event MUST be registered and enabled only once by any hart. By default, a global software event will be routed to any hart which is ready to receive software events but supervisor software can provide a preferred hart to handle this software event. The state of a global software event MUST be common to all harts.

The preferred hart assigned to a global software event by the supervisor software is only a hint about supervisor software’s preference. The SBI implementation may choose a different hart for handling the global software event to avoid an inter-processor interrupt.

A local software event MUST be registered and enabled by all harts which want to handle this event. A local event is delivered to a hart only when the hart is ready to receive software events and the local event is registered and enabled on that hart. The state of a local software event MUST be tracked separately for each hart.

If a software event in RUNNING state is signalled by the event source again, the software event will be taken only after the running event handler completes, provided that supervisor software doesn’t disable the software event upon completion.

The SBI SSE State Machine below shows the state transitions of a software event.

riscv sbi sse sm
Figure 1. SBI SSE State Machine

Software Event Priority

Each software event has an associated priority (referred as event_priority) which is used by an SBI implementation to select a software event for injection when multiple software events are pending on the same hart.

The priority of a software event is a 32-bit unsigned integer where lower value means higher priority. By default, all software events have event priority as zero.

If two or more software events have same priority on a given hart then the SBI implementation must use event_id for tie-breaking where lower event_id has higher priority.

A higher priority software event, unless disabled by supervisor software, always preempts a lower priority software event in RUNNING state on the same hart. Once a higher priority software event is completed, the previous lower priority software event will be resumed.

Software Event Attributes

A software event can have various XLEN bits wide attributes associated to it where each event attribute is identified by a unique 32-bit unsigned integer called attr_id. A software event attribute has Read-Only or Read-Write access permissions. The SSE Event Attributes below provides a list event attributes.

Table 2. SSE Event Attributes
Attribute Name Attribute ID
(RO / RW)




Status of the software event which is encoded as follows:

bit[1:0]: Event state with following possible values: 0 = UNUSED, 1 = REGISTERED, 2 = ENABLED, and 3 = RUNNING

bit[2:2]: Event pending status (1 = Pending and 0 = Not Pending). This flag is set by the event source and it is cleared when the software event is moved to RUNNING state.

bit[3:3]: Event injection using the sbi_sse_inject call (1 = Allowed and 0 = Not allowed)

bit[XLEN-1:4]: Reserved for future use and must be zero

The reset value of this attribute is zero.




Software event priority where only lower 32-bits of the value are used and other bits are always set to zero. This attribute can be updated only when the software event is in UNUSED or REGISTERED state.

The reset value of this attribute is zero.




Additional configuration of the software event. This attribute can be updated only when the software event is in UNUSED or REGISTERED state. The encoding of this event attribute is as follows:

bit[0:0]: Disable software event upon sbi_sse_complete call (one-shot)

bit[XLEN-1:1]: Reserved for future use and must be zero

The reset value of this attribute is zero.



RW (global)
RO (local)

Hart ID of the preferred hart that should handle the global software event. The value of this attribute must always be valid hart ID for both local and global software events. This attribute is read-only for local software events and for global software events it can be updated only when the software event is in UNUSED or REGISTERED state.

The reset value of this attribute is SBI implementation specific.




Entry program counter value for handling the software event in supervisor software. The value of this event attribute MUST be 2-bytes aligned.

The reset value of this attribute is zero.




Entry argument (or parameter) value for handling the software event in supervisor software. This attribute value is passed to the supervisor software via A7 GPR.

The reset value of this attribute is zero.




Interrupted sepc CSR value which is saved before handling the software event in supervisor software. This attribute can be updated only when the software event is in RUNNING state. For global events, only the hart executing the event handler can modify it.

The reset value of this attribute is zero.




Interrupted flags which are saved before handling the software event in supervisor software. This attribute can be updated only when the software event is in RUNNING state. For global events, only the hart executing the event handler can modify it. The encoding of this event attribute is as follows:

bit[0:0]: interrupted sstatus.SPP CSR bit value

bit[1:1]: interrupted sstatus.SPIE CSR bit value

bit[2:2]: interrupted hstatus.SPV CSR bit value

bit[3:3]: interrupted hstatus.SPVP CSR bit value

bit[4:4]: interrupted sstatus.SPELP CSR bit value if Zicfilp extension is available to supervisor mode

bit[5:5]: interrupted sstatus.SDT CSR bit value if Ssdbltrp extension is available to supervisor mode

bit[XLEN-1:6]: Reserved for future use and must be set to zero




Interrupted A6 GPR value which is saved before handling the software event in supervisor software. This attribute can be updated only when the software event is in RUNNING state. For global events, only the hart executing the event handler can modify it.

The reset value of this attribute is zero.




Interrupted A7 GPR value which is saved before handling the software event in supervisor software. This attribute can be updated only when the software event is in RUNNING state. For global events, only the hart executing the event handler can modify it.

The reset value of this attribute is zero.


> 0x00000009


Reserved for future use.

Software Event Injection

To inject a software event on a hart, the SBI implementation must do the following:

  1. Save interrupted state of supervisor mode

    1. Set INTERRUPTED_FLAGS event attribute as follows:

      1. INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[0:0] = interrupted sstatus.SPP CSR bit value

      2. INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[1:1] = interrupted sstatus.SPIE CSR bit value

      3. if Zicfilp extension is available to supervisor mode:

        1. INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[4:4] = interrupted sstatus.SPELP CSR bit value

      4. if Ssdbltrp extension is available to supervisor mode:

        1. INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[5:5] = interrupted sstatus.SDT CSR bit value

      5. if H-extension is available to supervisor mode:

        1. Set INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[2:2] = interrupted hstatus.SPV CSR bit value

        2. Set INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[3:3] = interrupted hstatus.SPVP CSR bit value

      6. else

        1. Set INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[3:2] = zero

      7. Set INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[XLEN-1:6] = zero

    2. Set INTERRUPTED_SEPC event attribute = interrupted sepc CSR

    3. Set INTERRUPTED_A6 event attribute = interrupted A6 GPR value

    4. Set INTERRUPTED_A7 event attribute = interrupted A7 GPR value

  2. Redirect execution to supervisor event handler

    1. Set A6 GPR = Current Hart ID

    2. Set A7 GPR = ENTRY_ARG event attribute value

    3. Set sepc = Interrupted program counter value

    4. Set sstatus.SPP CSR bit = interrupted privilege mode

    5. Set sstatus.SPIE CSR bit = sstatus.SIE CSR bit value

    6. Set sstatus.SIE CSR bit = zero

    7. if Zicfilp extension is available to supervisor mode:

      1. Set sstatus.SPELP = interrupted landing pad state

      2. Set landing pad state = NO_LP_EXPECTED

    8. if H-extension is available to supervisor mode:

      1. Set hstatus.SPV CSR bit = interrupted virtualization state

      2. if hstatus.SPV CSR bit == 1:

        1. Set hstatus.SPVP CSR bit = sstatus.SPP CSR bit value

    9. if Ssdbltrp extension is available to supervisor mode:

      1. Set S-mode-disable-trap = 1

    10. Set virtualization state = OFF

    11. Set privilege mode = S-mode

    12. Set program counter = ENTRY_PC event attribute value

Software Event Completion

After handling the software event on a hart, the supervisor software must notify the SBI implementation about completion of event handling using sbi_sse_complete call. The SBI implementation must do the following to resume the interrupted state for a completed event:

  1. Set program counter = sepc CSR value

  2. Set privilege mode = sstatus.SPP CSR bit value

  3. if H-extension is available to supervisor mode:

    1. Set virtualization state = hstatus.SPV CSR bit value

    2. Set hstatus.SPV CSR bit = INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[2:2] event attribute value

    3. Set hstatus.SPVP CSR bit = INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[3:3] event attribute value

  4. Set sstatus.SIE CSR bit = sstatus.SPIE CSR bit

  5. if Zicfilp extension is available to supervisor mode:

    1. Set sstatus.SPELP CSR bit = INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[4:4] event attribute value

  6. if Ssdbltrp extension is available to supervisor mode:

    1. Set sstatus.SDT CSR bit = INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[5:5] event attribute value

  7. Set sstatus.SPIE CSR bit = INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[1:1] event attribute value

  8. Set sstatus.SPP CSR bit = INTERRUPTED_FLAGS[0:0] event attribute value

  9. Set A7 GPR = INTERRUPTED_A7 event attribute value

  10. Set A6 GPR = INTERRUPTED_A6 event attribute value

  11. Set sepc = INTERRUPTED_SEPC event attribute value

If the supervisor software wishes to resume from a different location, it can update the event attributes of the software event before calling sbi_sse_complete.

Function: Read software event attributes (FID #0)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_read_attrs(uint32_t event_id,
                                 uint32_t base_attr_id, uint32_t attr_count,
                                 unsigned long output_phys_lo,
                                 unsigned long output_phys_hi)

Read a range of event attribute values from a software event.

The event_id parameter specifies the software event ID whereas base_attr_id and attr_count parameters specifies the range of event attribute IDs.

The event attribute values are written to a output shared memory which is specified by the output_phys_lo and output_phys_hi parameters where:

  • The output_phys_lo parameter MUST be XLEN / 8 bytes aligned

  • The size of output shared memory is assumed to be (XLEN / 8) * attr_count

  • The value of event attribute with ID base_attr_id + i should be written at offset (XLEN / 8) * (base_attr_id + i)

In case of an error, the possible error codes are shown in the SSE Event Attributes Read Errors below:

Table 3. SSE Event Attributes Read Errors
Error code Description


Event attribute values read successfully.


event_id is not reserved and valid, but the platform does not support it due to one or more missing dependencies (Hardware or SBI implementation).


event_id is invalid or attr_count is zero.


One of the event attribute IDs in the range specified by base_attr_id and attr_count is reserved.


The shared memory pointed to by the output_phys_lo and output_phys_hi parameters does not satisfy the requirements described in [_shared_memory_physical_address_range_parameter].


The read failed for unspecified or unknown other reasons.

Function: Write software event attributes (FID #1)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_write_attrs(uint32_t event_id,
                                 uint32_t base_attr_id, uint32_t attr_count,
                                 unsigned long input_phys_lo,
                                 unsigned long input_phys_hi)

Write a range of event attribute values to a software event.

The event_id parameter specifies the software event ID whereas base_attr_id and attr_count parameters specifies the range of event attribute IDs.

The event attribute values are read from a input shared memory which is specified by the input_phys_lo and input_phys_hi parameters where:

  • The input_phys_lo parameter MUST be XLEN / 8 bytes aligned

  • The size of input shared memory is assumed to be (XLEN / 8) * attr_count

  • The value of event attribute with ID base_attr_id + i should be read from offset (XLEN / 8) * (base_attr_id + i)

For local events, the event attributes are updated only for the calling hart. For global events, the event attributes are updated for all the harts.

The possible error codes returned in sbiret.error are shown in SSE Event Attributes Write Errors below.

Table 4. SSE Event Attributes Write Errors
Error code Description


Event attribute values written successfully.


event_id is not reserved and valid, but the platform does not support it due to one or more missing dependencies (Hardware or SBI implementation).


event_id is invalid or attr_count is zero.


One of the event attribute IDs in the range specified by base_attr_id and attr_count is reserved or is read-only.


The shared memory pointed to by the input_phys_lo and input_phys_hi parameters does not satisfy the requirements described in [_shared_memory_physical_address_range_parameter].


The write failed for unspecified or unknown other reasons.

Function: Register a software event (FID #2)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_register(uint32_t event_id,
                               unsigned long handler_entry_pc,
                               unsigned long handler_entry_arg)

Register an event handler for the software event.

The event_id parameter specifies the event ID for which an event handler is being registered. The handler_entry_pc parameter MUST be 2-bytes aligned and specifies the ENTRY_PC event attribute of the software event whereas the handler_entry_arg parameter specifies the ENTRY_ARG event attribute of the software event.

For local events, the event is registered only for the calling hart. For global events, the event is registered for all the harts.

The event MUST be in UNUSED state otherwise this function will fail.

It is advisable to use different values for handler_entry_arg for different events because higher priority events preempt lower priority events.

Upon success, the event state moves from UNUSED to REGISTERED. In case of an error, possible error codes are listed in SSE Event Register Errors below.

Table 5. SSE Event Register Errors
Error code Description


Event handler is registered successfully.


event_id is not reserved and valid, but the platform does not support it due to one or more missing dependencies (Hardware or SBI implementation).


event_id is valid but the event is not in UNUSED state.


event_id is invalid or handler_entry_pc is not 2-bytes aligned.

Function: Unregister a software event (FID #3)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_unregister(uint32_t event_id)

Unregister the event handler for given event_id.

For local events, the event is unregistered only for the calling hart. For global events, the event is unregistered for all the harts.

The event MUST be in REGISTERED state otherwise this function will fail.

Upon success, the event state moves from REGISTERED to UNUSED. In case of an error, possible error codes are listed in SSE Event Unregister Errors below.

Table 6. SSE Event Unregister Errors
Error code Description


Event handler is unregistered successfully.


event_id is not reserved and valid, but the platform does not support it due to one or more missing dependencies (Hardware or SBI implementation).


event_id is valid but the event is not in REGISTERED state.


event_id is invalid.

Function: Enable a software event (FID #4)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_enable(uint32_t event_id)

Enable the software event specified by the event_id parameter.

For local events, the event is enabled only for the calling hart. For global events, the event is enabled for all the harts.

The event MUST be in REGISTERED state otherwise this function will fail.

Upon success, the event state moves from REGISTERED to ENABLED. In case of an error, possible error codes are listed in SSE Event Enable Errors below.

Table 7. SSE Event Enable Errors
Error code Description


Event is successfully enabled.


event_id is not reserved and valid, but the platform does not support it due to one or more missing dependencies (Hardware or SBI implementation).


event_id is not valid.


event_id is valid but the event is not in REGISTERED state.

Function: Disable a software event (FID #5)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_disable(uint32_t event_id)

Disable the software event specified by the event_id parameter.

For local events, the event is disabled only for the calling hart. For global events, the event is disabled for all the harts.

The event MUST be in ENABLED state otherwise this function will fail.

Upon success, the event state moves from ENABLED to REGISTERED. In case of an error, possible error codes are listed in SSE Event Disable Errors below.

Table 8. SSE Event Disable Errors
Error code Description


Event is successfully disabled.


event_id is not reserved and valid, but the platform does not support it due to one or more missing dependencies (Hardware or SBI implementation).


event_id is not valid.


event_id is valid but the event is not in ENABLED state.

Function: Complete software event handling (FID #6)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_complete(void)

Complete the supervisor event handling for the highest priority event in RUNNING state on the calling hart.

If there were no events in RUNNING state on the calling hart then this function does nothing and returns SBI_SUCCESS otherwise it moves the highest priority event in RUNNING state to:

  • REGISTERED if the event is configured as one-shot (see the CONFIG attribute in SSE Event Attributes.)

  • ENABLED state otherwise

It then resumes the interrupted supervisor state as described in [_software_event_completion].

Function: Inject a software event (FID #7)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_inject(uint32_t event_id, unsigned long hart_id)

The supervisor software can inject a software event with this function. The event_id paramater refers to the ID of the event to be injected.

For local events, the hart_id parameter refers to the hart on which the event is to be injected. For global events, the hart_id parameter is ignored.

An event can only be injected if it is allowed by the event attribute as described in SSE Event Attributes.

If an event is injected from within an SSE event handler, if it is ready to be run, it will be handled according to the priority rules described in Software Event Priority:

  • If it has a higher priority than the one currently running, then it will be handled immediately, effectively preempting the currently running one.

  • If it has a lower priority, it will be run after the one that is currently running completes.

In case of an error, possible error codes are listed in SSE Event Inject Errors below.

Table 9. SSE Event Inject Errors
Error code Description


Event is successfully injected.


event_id is not reserved and valid, but the platform does not support it due to one or more missing dependencies (Hardware or SBI implementation).


event_id or hart_id is invalid.


The injection failed for unspecified or unknown other reasons.

Function: Unmask software events on a hart (FID #8)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_hart_unmask(void)

Start receiving (or unmask) software events on the calling hart. In other words, the calling hart is ready to receive software events from the SBI implementation.

The software events are masked initially on all harts so the supervisor software must explicitly unmask software events on relevant harts at boot-time.

In case of an error, possible error codes are listed in SSE Hart Unmask Errors below.

Table 10. SSE Hart Unmask Errors
Error code Description


Software events unmasked successfully on the calling hart.


Software events were already unmasked on the calling hart.


The request failed for unspecified or unknown other reasons.

Function: Mask software events on a hart (FID #9)

struct sbiret sbi_sse_hart_mask(void)

Stop receiving (or mask) software events on the calling hart. In other words, the calling hart will no longer be ready to receive software events from the SBI implementation.

In case of an error, possible error codes are listed in SSE Hart Mask Errors below.

Table 11. SSE Hart Mask Errors
Error code Description


Software events masked successfully on the calling hart.


Software events were already masked on the calling hart.


The request failed for unspecified or unknown other reasons.

Function Listing

Table 12. SSE Function List
Function Name SBI Version FID EID







































