#v 1.3.1 -> Pull for V11
#v 0.3.1 Version restored to V10 (possibly v11)
Fixed sending loot to a 3rd token.
Adapted for other systems (contact us if you want the module for any other system)
Fixed item values using DnD5e's demonination system.
Loot Sheet NPC or DFreds Pocket Change Not required, but required to use unique loot after combat.
Compatible with Better RollTables. (a currency generated loot table will also be added to the loot).
New Macros (Update as you wish).
- No Preview : The conversion and looting check screen does not appear, everything is looted automatically.
- GMRoll: Looting results will only be seen by the GM and the looter.
- and combined versions of the two.
Thanks More than special to Pablo Portilla, for encouraging the module, thank you very much.
#v 0.2.45 Clear Warnings for v10 not suport v9 anymore.
#v 0.2.44 Patch for DND 2.1.5 (not cover all bugs)
This module will no longer be updated, I indicate the monk's token bar as a better and updated replacement.
#v 0.2.43 V9 and v10 primary support
#v 0.2.42
*fix for checkbox error in check all boxs #v 0.2.41
- fix for new lootSheet5e
#v 0.2.4 Fix currency names. Fix token actor on create loot. fix round down on breaked and damaged items. Compatibility from Foundry 8.8+ and v9
#v 0.2.33
- fixed elevation for loots
#v 0.2.32
- fixed more than one player looting at the same time
#v 0.2.31
- code cleaning
- API for lootsheet for convert items-coins and items-table to currency:
/* Convert all table itens and currency itens, inclusive rolltable ones */ let loot = new InnocentiLoot.Loot() loot.ConvertLoots(ArrayItems, ArraySystemCurrency)
/* Convert only one item-coins to currencys. */ let loot = new InnocentiLoot.Loot() loot.ConvertLoots(ObjItem, ArraySystemCurrency)
#v 0.2.3
- Fiz for name treasures.
- Fix for image tokens targets
#v 0.2.2 Update compatibility with permissions
#v 0.2.1
- Finalization of Combat loots.
- Compatibility with Levels.
Initial release. the module has been refactored and reformatted to a new version, with better compatibility and more loot options. A new Installation is recommended
- Players can use loot themselves or for others player via macros.
- GM can handle loot right after a fight.
- GM and Players can create a single token with all the loot found, to share with all players (via Loot Sheet npc5e module)
- Create loot with coins using special items or the "DFreds Pocket Change" module
- Sort loot with coins and items using special items (better roll table compatible)
the module is under testing, errors and bugs are expected as well as feedback from everyone who uses it.