- bump versions
- fix oauth
- remove tech users and api keys
- bump minor dep versions
- add unauthenticated technical user lookup
- up deps
- add user.properties
- removed deprecated method in chassis-srv (collection.load)
- added client_id for token data
- added null checks
- added separate queue for identity-srv jobs
- updated expires_in, last_login and last_access to timestamp fields
- updated dependencies
- added jobMeta
- improved loggers
- removed ReadRequest
- support request password change and request email change for both name and email as identifier
- fix delete tokens from redis on user deletion
- delete tokens from redis on user deletion
- added null condition for comparison of nested attributes
- added data field for register user
- fix return status message for password change
- fix token destroy api
- fix db expries in for findByToken
- up log message and added more tests for password verification
- enable to import tech users without password having null check for password
- up job name
- up node and dependencies
- fix email confirm change message name
- update URLs for email
- fix reference error
- protos made all fields optionals
- fix email config
- date object for findByToken and AuthenticationLogs
- use server generated typings
- hbs email template urls
- email sending
- up deps
- up deps
- roleAssociation and owner attributes
- For DateTimeStamp field handling
- up deps
- bump package and package lock version
- updated dependencies
- updated dependencies
- up acs-client
- up deps for optional fields and pulralized protos and libs
- fix requestPasswordChange and requestEmailChange to lookup by user name (instead of both user name and email, since if uniqueEmailConstraint is set to false in config it is possible to have multiple users with same email for different user names)
- removed self kill token (as its already taken care in current update api) and used AQL query for updating last login on token
- activate user on confirm password change call if the user is inactive
- fix unit test for request email and request password change test
- remove tokens if user not active
- handle filter ownership AQL query for multiple owners
- added null check for token value of
so that its not added to expired tokens list (for tech users)
- set active flag for create api depending on the input
- allow to change username field for update api
- included full text search
- up deps
- migrated to fully-typed grpc-client and server
- up deps
- fix token destroy api to update user reading from DB (instead of cache findByToken)
- up deps
- up deps
- up deps
- expire jwt token after 6 month
- correctly remove outdated tokens
- expire auth tokens after 6 months
- added oauth getToken support
- updated user read rpc to return roles as well
- fix logout response message
- lookup user by token instead of user service find api in token destroy method
- expire auth token at the same time as access token
- manual push to trigger workflow
- add oauth scope to config
- fix undefined token names
- updated acs-client (includes the check to override ACS filters if ACS custom query filters exist)
- fix to override ACS filters if ACS custom query filters exist
- supress empty filters
- fix to apply acs filters
- insert user data into jwt
- add token generation to code exchange flow
- fix oauth service to append token instead of updating entier user object
- updated chassis-srv (includes fix for offset store config)
- check oauth service config before instantiation of oauth service
- fix redis prod url
- updated redis url
- updated dependencies and migrated from ioredis to redis
- added data field for user
- fix to remove expired tokens on login
- added oauth support
- removed importHelpers flag from tsconfig
- updated ts config and added no-float promise rule
- updated RC dependencies
- updated RC dependencies
- updated acs-client and other dependencies
- added context null check
- updated acs-client with restructured checkAccessRequest api
- updated logger and other dependencies
- make password optional for tech user creation
- enable login for tech users
- fix activate and confirm password to pass user id for acs check (needed in ACL check)
- updated acs-client and protos
- fix response for findByToken for empty token
- up acs-client dep
- added support for
- up RC dependencies
- up dependencies
- latest grpc-client
- migraged kafka-client to kafkajs
- chassis-srv using the latest grpc-js and protobufdef loader
- filter changes (removed google.protobuf.struct completely and defined nested proto structure)
- added status object to each item and also overall operation_status.
- updated node version to 16.3
- updated logger and protos
- fix to flush chaced data of
(done on user update).
- fix to reject for expired tokens on
- fix find operation for assigning filter only if its provided
- updated role Assoc modified to compare attributes id and values
- added unique email constraint feature
- fix
to compare only role and attributes, modified the verifyRoleAssocs to check for invalid roles provided and fixed tests - migrated redis to ioredis
- updated dependencies
- update dependencies.
- added optional field
to be used inside makeRenderRequestMsg when it is provided in the config.json.
- updated logger and service config
- updated node and npm version
- Added check to verify user roleAssociations only if the role associations are changed
- moved role_assoc from register and made it configurable,
- updated requestPasswordChange, confirmPasswordChange, requestEmailChange, confirmEmailChange, activate, sendInvitationEmailRequest, unregister, changePassword to use identifier field.
- added sendActivationEmail rpc to resend registration emails
- Add ACS checks for requestEmailChange and changed the recipient to new email
- up documentation, protos
- fix to support both name and email fields for request password change method
- changed the update tokens aql query from APPEND to PUSH
- fix to set email enabled config on startup
- fix for invalidating findByToken cache
- up acs-client (unauthenticated fix), protos (last_login updated on token)
- fix docker image permissions
- added findByToken and empty password check for technical user
- removed subject cache, storing of token to redis and unused methods from token service.
- added interactive flag to tokens
- up token service to match oidc token fields
- modified update api of user service to verify role associations
- changed HBS templates naming in configuration
- added query params to activation urls
- updated acs-client for unauthenticated fix and fixed activation to remove user name
- update services in production config
- updated chassis-srv
- add acs-srv readiness check
- updated acs-client
- updated acs-client for evaluation_cacheable and protos
- updated dependencies
- switch docker healthcheck to grpc
- update to chassis-srv v0.1.5
- add redis and arangodb readiness checks
- up acs-client includes fix for validatino of token with subject-id
- fix for populate role associations
- removed acs check for authentication log create (else after token is destroyed we cannot log logout message)
- added token service and authentication_log service
- restructured protos
- fix to use separate redisClient objects and updated doc
- updated login method for password / token
- removed reading of HR scope from subject cache
- healthcheck fix, updated dependencies
- updated logger and node version
- fix to enable to change owner information of Users for update / upsert operations (in case if user needs to be moved from one org to another)
- initial release