Releases: remkos/rads
Releases · remkos/rads
v4.2.6 (27 Aug 2017)
- New features in radscolin: --diff-no-coord and --diff1.
- Numerous updates for the generation of RADS data for Sentinel-3, Jason-2, and Jason-3.
- New variables for modern mean sea surfaces and tide models.
- Updates to user and data manuals.
v4.2.5 (6 Oct 2016)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version:
- Updates to manuals (e.g., issue #99).
- Numerous updates for the generation of RADS data for Sentinel-3 and Jason-3 (developer tools only).
- Bug fix: nesting of tags could go wrong when reading XML files.
- Installation: use nc-config if nf-config is not supplied.
- Adjustments for SARAL Drift Mission
- Preparation for Jason-2 Interleaved Mission.
v4.2.4 (6 June 2016)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version:
- Bug fix (issue #97), which prevented radsxogen from running properly. This error was introduced in the master on 1 May 2016 (v4.2.2).
- Enhancements to the user manual.
v4.2.3 (29 May 2016)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version:
- Bug fix (issue #96), which prevented installation of symbolic links within shells other than bash.
v4.2.2 (24 May 2016)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version:
- Updated Jason-1 SLCCI orbits to Version 11 for ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat, Jason-1, Jason-2, and TOPEX/Poseidon.
- Changed reference frame offset for CryoSat-2 Baseline C data from -26 to -34 mm.
- Major additions to the user manual.
- Changes and additions to configuration files for Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A.
- All help output to be sent to standard output (not standard error).
- rads2grd: --fmt replaced by --line-format, variable name in netCDF now always ${var}_mean and ${var}_stddev, even when only one variable is used.
- Updated global attributes to be written in new netCDF files.
- --quality_flag replaced by --quality-flag (with backward compatibility).
- Made adaptations for Jason-1 GDR-E (to be released later).
- Change format of time field to f17.6 in advance of 2016-09-09 when extra digit will be added.
- Bug fix (issue #89).
- Bug fix: updated missing building dependencies.
Version 4.2.1 (22 Mar 2016)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version:
- Moved directory "include" to "src/include" to avoid clash with default location for "include".
- Updated information on Sentinel-3A.
- Made clearer that -- can be used ahead of FILENAME argument to make sure that the option list is terminated; this addressed issue #85.
- When opening XML file, skip lines until the first line that contains '<'; this fixed issue #87.
- rads2asc: added -c and -p as alternatives to -sc and -sp.
- rads2asc, rads2nc, rads2adr: support --output OUTNAME/ for storing passfiles in directory OUTNAME.
- radscolin: when using -r# (not -rn or -r0) require at least # tracks, not the minimum of # and the available number of tracks.
Version 4.2.0 (8 Mar 2016)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version:
- Tuning for processing of Jason-3 data.
- Added <plot_range> XML tag, which can be used for generating the right plotting range.
- Added new functionalities to radsvar (i.e. create output that can be included in batch files).
- Replaced 'units = "count"' by 'units = "1"' in line with udunits standards.
- On -S option now allow satellite names with more than 2 characters (e.g. ja3, jason3).
- Introduced the possibility to read RADS data from multiple directories using a tag like <data branch=".ext">.
- Allow "single-line" XML tags with "var" option like <limits var="sla" sat="j3">-0.4 0.4</limits>
- Added s3combine to merge and split Sentinel-3 granules into pass files.
- Made some changes to rads_gen_s3, rads_gen_c2, ogdrsplit.
Version 4.1.5 (23 Feb 2016)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous release:
- Added SARAL GDR-E orbits, which are now the default.
- Further updates for Jason-3.
Version 4.1.4 (12 Feb 2016)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous release:
- Implement processing of Jason-3 and Sentinel-3 data.
- Implement satellite codes 'j3' (Jason-3), '3a' (Sentinel-3A), '3b' (Sentinel-3B).
- Minor bug fixes.
Version 4.1.3 (1 Dec 2015)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous release:
- Added Jason-2 GDR-E orbits, which are now the default.