print integer
assignment expression
equality oeprators == != > < >= <=
logical operators && || !
if statement
for statement
while statement
do-while statement
assignment using pointer
delcare function without args but returns a value
call no args function
declare function with args
call function with args
regression test
unary operators +,-
string literal
prefix ++, --
postfix ++, --
pointer + -
1-dimension array
char literal
global variable
atom_t refactoring 1
use a.value.* to a.*
organize atom functions
multi-dimension array
operators += -= *= /= %= |= &= ^=
multiple expressions with comma
local variable initialization
global variable initialization for int
enum declaration
union/struct declaration
break, continue
switch case
ternary operator ?:
function prototype declaration
extern variable
- w/ extern
- w/ init : .data, @global, WARN: 'initialized and declared 'extern'
- w/o init : no declaration, only reference in code, duplicate OK
- w/o extern :
- w/ init : .data, @global, duplicate OK, duplicate init NG
- w/o init : .comm, not @global, duplicate OK
extern function
inline comment
multiline comment
compiler options (-S)?
refactor : remove _read, _write etc.
allow variable declaration in middle of block
array initialization
- const classifier (just ignoring)
- anonymous union in struct
- implicit cast for char -> int/long, int -> char/long, long- > char/int
- implicit but warned cast for void* -> any pointers
- add warning level for logging
- local multiple variable definition
- array initializer for non-sized array declaration
- variable declaration in the first clause of 'for'
- cast
- global variable initializer for string literals
- empty statement for 'for'
- define value
- test 066 (assignment from fixed-length-array to pointer) fails
- compiler options (-o outfile)? {source.c)
- bit operators >> >>= << <<= & | ^ ~
- define macro
cli : allow multiple .c files
signed char/int/long
unsigned char/int/long
#ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #endif
#define macro
'#' should be the first valid character in a line
## operator
# operator
multiple global variable definition
array global variable initialization
long literal (10000L)
concatinate sequence of string literal
hex literal (ex:0x0000), octal literal(ex:0100)
float, double, double double, short, long long
function declaration for > 6 args
function call with > 6 args
function call ABI stack 16bytes alignment
variadic function call/def
va_list type, va_start, va_end macro
'static' variables in function
'static' global variables
struct assignment - memcpy(&a,&b,sizeof(a))
struct argument
struct return value
bug / expression sequence - evaluated result should reflect the last expression
rewrite code generation from stack-machine to register-machine (!)
atom_t refactoring 2
use atom_t * instead of pos
rename TYPE_ to K_(KIND_) / C_(CLASS_) / N_(NODE_) ...
remove print statement, replace with
void print(int i) { printf("%d\n",i); }
the parser shoud NOT consider ABI - variable offset should be calculated in emitting stage, not in parsing stage
stop calculate variables' offset at parse stage, do it emission stage
- it's depends on ABI - the AST shouldn't know whether the variable is passed on stack or on registers
- change va_arg's register save area at the begining -REG_ZREA_SIZE(%rbp) of the function's stack frame