Open the project in PyCharm. Goto Run->Attach To Process
and then
select the process titled benten-ls
. Insert appropriate breakpoints
and perform some editor operation that will trigger a request from the
pipx inject -e benten cwlformat
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
- Optional: Install benten (as outlined on the main Readme)
- From the
directorynpm install -g typescript npm install
- Open the
directory in VS Code. - Press Ctrl+Shift+B to compile the client and server.
- Switch to the Debug viewlet.
- Select and run
Launch Client
from the drop down. - In the [Extension Development Host] instance of VSCode, open a CWL document
- In the [Extension Development Host] in the
tab, select "benten"
The development cycle is to modify the server code and then restart the server. Currently (04.2019) the only way to do this in VS Code is to use the "Reload Window" command: CMD + Shift + P to bring up the command bar and then type "Reload Window".
Ensure version strings are synchronized
- Version string in Python package
- Version string in
for the VS Code extension - Version tag in the github release
This is because the VS Code extension takes it's version from the package.json
and looks for the corresponding release on github which in turn has the
executable in a folder that is named with the Python version.
npm install -g typescript
npm install
npm install -g vsce
vsce package
Upload the .vsix
file to Marketplace
|-- .vscode
| |-- launch.json - Creates a launch task for debugging
| \- tasks.json
|-- src
| \-- extension.ts - Client code for VS Code
|-- package.json - declares entry points etc.
If dukpy
ever fails us we could consider simply doing
import subprocess
subprocess.check_output(['node', '-p', "function foo() {return 'hi';}; foo()"])
The VS Code documentation is extremely good.
- /~
For local or test distribution we can use
vsce package
and pass around the .vsix
file for installing in VS Code
- canonical message passing reference
microsoft/vscode#6695 Shows simple code snippet for scrolling document
microsoft/vscode#63073 Has a code snippet showing how to scroll document to a line as well as message passing
microsoft/vscode#8886 Discussion about window.visibleTextEditors
Use make dist-pkg
We can use fpm to create a benten-ls
deb/rpm package which does
not depend on system Python or installing additional packages.
$ python=python-3.7
$ version=1.0
$ gem install --user fpm
$ virtualenv --python python3 build-fpm/usr/share/$python/dist/benten
$ build-fpm/usr/share/python-3.7/dist/benten/bin/pip install .
$ fpm -s dir -t deb -v $version -n benten -C build-fpm --depends python3 usr/share/$python/dist/benten/bin/benten-ls=/usr/bin/ .