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Conservancy |
/conservancy/ |
QEMU is a member of Software Freedom Conservancy, a not-for-profit organization that provides legal and administrative assistance to open source projects.
The Software Freedom Conservancy holds assets on behalf of the project, including domain names and project funds/donations.
QEMU interacts with Conservancy through a Leadership Committee, currently composed of the following members:
- Alex Bennée
- Paolo Bonzini
- Andreas Färber
- Alexander Graf
- Stefan Hajnoczi
- Peter Maydell
The committee votes via simple majority. There cannot be more than one third of the members (currently two) employed by the same entity at once.
If you would like to raise an issue to the Leadership Committee, please email qemu-devel@nongnu.org and CC at least one of the members so they can bring the issue forward. For private emails you can send an email to qemu@sfconservancy.org, a private list that all members of the leadership committee are subscribed to.