Hi! 😺
At first, thanks for reading this doc.
We inform that everyone who programs in PHP and loves cats(not only) can be a contributing member.
These file contains only guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
We require only all your code MUST follow psr standards and enabled strict_types (php>=7.1).
If you find new disposable email domain we are appreciate if you add these domain to this repository. All ours lists comes from this repo and we will lately update.
- Fork project and apply your changes
- Create Pull Request to our repository
- Include funny gif with cat in PR comm
- Describe your changes in few sentences
- Pat your cat and make him purrr 😼
Cats love getting new tests, so we love them to!! Remember improving code coverage make your cat happy.
Remember to add phpdoc to your code. We respect phpDocumentator guides