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Generating example gRPC TLS certificates


The outcome of this is that we will have three Secrets available in the heptio-contour namespace:

  • cacert: contains the CA's public certificate.
  • contourcerts: contains Contour's keypair, used for serving TLS secured gRPC. This must be a valid certificate for the name contour in order for this to work. This is currently hardcoded by Contour.
  • envoycerts: contains Envoy's keypair, used as a client for connecting to Contour.

For the purposes of this documentation, we'll be doing the same thing the contour certgen --pem or the make gencerts commands do and putting the certs in a certs/ subdirectory of the downloaded repo.

Caveats and warnings

Don't use this to create your production certificate infrastructure! This is intended as an example to help you get started. For any real deployment, you should carefullY manage all the certificates and control who has access to them. Make sure you don't commit them to any git repos either.

Generating a CA keypair

First, we need to generate a keypair:

openssl req -x509 -new -nodes \
    -keyout certs/cakey.pem -sha256 \
    -days 1825 -out certs/cacert.pem \
    -subj "/O=Project Contour/CN=Contour CA"

Then, the new CA key will be stored in certs/cakey.pem and the cert in certs/cacert.pem.

Generating Contour's keypair

Then, we need to generate a keypair for Contour. First, we make a new private key:

openssl genrsa -out certs/contourkey.pem 2048

Then, we create a CSR and have our CA sign the CSR and issue a cert. This uses the file _integration/cert-contour.ext, which ensures that at least one of the valid names of the certificate is the bareword contour. This is required for the handshake to succeed, as contour bootstrap configures Envoy to pass this as the SNI for the connection.

openssl req -new -key certs/contourkey.pem \
	-out certs/contour.csr \
	-subj "/O=Project Contour/CN=contour"
openssl x509 -req -in certs/contour.csr \
    -CA certs/cacert.pem \
    -CAkey certs/cakey.pem \
    -CAcreateserial \
    -out certs/contourcert.pem \
    -days 1825 -sha256 \
    -extfile _integration/cert-contour.ext

At this point, the contour cert and key are in the files certs/contourcert.pem and certs/contourkey.pem respectively.

Generating Envoy's keypair

Next, we generate a keypair for Envoy:

openssl genrsa -out certs/envoykey.pem 2048

Then, we generated a CSR and have the CA sign it:

openssl req -new -key certs/envoykey.pem \
	-out certs/envoy.csr \
	-subj "/O=Project Contour/CN=envoy"
openssl x509 -req -in certs/envoy.csr \
    -CA certs/cacert.pem \
    -CAkey certs/cakey.pem \
    -CAcreateserial \
    -out certs/envoycert.pem \
    -days 1825 -sha256 \
    -extfile _integration/cert-envoy.ext

Like the contour cert, this CSR uses the file _integration/cert-envoy.ext. However, in this case, there are no special names required.

Putting the certs in the cluster

Next, we create the required secrets in the target Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl create secret -n heptio-contour generic cacert --from-file=./certs/cacert.pem
kubectl create secret -n heptio-contour tls contourcert --key=./certs/contourkey.pem --cert=./certs/contourcert.pem
kubectl create secret -n heptio-contour generic envoycert --key=./certs/envoykey.pem --cert=./certs/envoycert.pem

Note that we don't put the CA key into the cluster, there's no reason for that to be there, and that would create a security problem. That also means that the cacert secret can't be a tls type secret, as they must be a keypair.


Once this process is done, doing a

kubectl apply -f examples/ds-hostnet-split/

Will successfully apply the pods. Otherwise, the pods will not be able to be created, since the required Secrets will not be present.