Standalone Configuration/Installation Guides are in the respective subdirectories(www/api; www/app).
_Read MYSQL-Container Guide for details_
Key | default | Note |
APP_KEY* | 32 Character Database Encryption Key | |
APP_DEBUG | false | Debug Modus, adds more data to Error Messages. (This can also include passwords) |
JWT_SECRET* | Token Secret: User Authentication Encryption Key | |
DB_CONNECTION* | see Laravel Database Documentation for details | |
DB_HOST* | name of the mysql Container | |
DB_DATABASE* | Database name of the API (=> same as MYSQL_DATABASE in mysql container) | |
DB_USERNAME* | Database user (=> same as MYSQL_USER in mysql container) | |
DB_PASSWORD* | Database user password (=> same as MYSQL_PASSWORD in mysql container ) | |
VALIDATE_PASSWORD_LENGTH | 5 | Minimum Password Length |
VALIDATE_PASSWORD_LOWERCASE_COUNT | 1 | Minimum Count of Lowercase Characters [a-z] |
VALIDATE_PASSWORD_UPPERCASE_COUNT | 1 | Minimum Count of Uppercase Characters [A-Z] |
VALIDATE_PASSWORD_DIGIT_COUNT | 1 | Minimum Count of Digits |
VALIDATE_PASSWORD_SPECIAL_COUNT | 1 | Minimum Count of Special Characters |
VALIDATE_PASSWORD_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS | @$!%*#?& | Allowed Special Characters |
Key | default | Note |
API_PATH* | url to api | |
APP_NAME | name of the app visible in the top bar of the browser |
- Config in ./image/nginx/default.conf
_Read NGINX-Container Guide for more details_