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471 lines (437 loc) · 18.6 KB

In-toto attestation formatter


The in-toto attestation spec is defined here.

In-toto attestations can be generated for TaskRuns or PipelineRuns. Tekton Chains generates in-toto attestations with the slsa-provenance predicate format.

Standard in-toto predicate

The in-toto format can be enabled by running:

# For TaskRuns
kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data":{"artifacts.taskrun.format": "slsa/v1"}}'
# For PipelineRuns
kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data":{"artifacts.pipelinerun.format": "slsa/v1"}}'

Note, you can continue to use the older alias of slsa/v1: in-toto.

To provide a git URL/commit as material, add a parameter named CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT and CHAINS-GIT_URL. The value of these parameters should be fed by some VCS task (e.g like this task). A PipeLine example where another task checkout has URL/commit as task results:

    - name: build
        - name: CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT
          value: "$(tasks.checkout.results.commit)"
        - name: CHAINS-GIT_URL
          value: "$(tasks.checkout.results.url)"

Alternatively, CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT and CHAINS-GIT_URL can be results instead. Another Pipeline example where results are used:

    - description: Repository URL used for buiding the image.
      name: CHAINS-GIT_URL
      value: $(tasks.checkout.results.url)
    - description: Repository commit used for building the image.
      value: $(tasks.checkout.results.commit)
  - name: checkout

Type Hinting

To capture artifacts created by a task, Chains will scan the TaskRun and PipelineRun result for a result name *_DIGEST. The result shall be a string on the format alg:digest, alg is common sha256. If the result is named Foo_DIGEST, Chains will try to find a parameter or result (in that order) with the name Foo. The parameter or result named Foo shall contain the name (reference) to the built artifact.

An example (a Task):

  - name: IMAGE
    description: Name (reference) of the image to build.
  - name: IMAGE_DIGEST
    description: Digest of the image just built.

So if the IMAGE parameter have the value and the result IMAGE_DIGEST is sha256:abcd then an attestation for the subject pkg:/docker/test/foo@sha256:abcd? is created. Note that image references are represented using Package URL format.


This is an MVP implementation of the in-toto attestation format. More work would be required to properly capture the Entrypoint field in the provenance predicate, now the TaskRef's name is used. Also metadata related to hermeticity/reproducibility are currently not populated.


Example TaskRun attestation:

  "_type": "",
  "predicateType": "",
  "subject": [
      "name": "file-SNAPSHOT.jar",
      "digest": {
        "sha256": "3f1017b520fe358d7b3796879232cd36259066ccd5bab5466cbedb444064dfed"
  "predicate": {
    "builder": {
      "id": "https://configured.builder@v1"
    "recipe": {
      "type": "",
      "definedInMaterial": 0,
      "entryPoint": "maven"
    "metadata": {
      "buildStartedOn": "2021-05-11T11:05:50Z",
      "buildFinishedOn": "2021-05-11T11:15:42Z",
      "completeness": {
        "arguments": false,
        "environment": false,
        "materials": false
      "reproducible": false
    "materials": [
        "uri": "git+/~",
        "digest": {
          "git_commit": "c4b75d454655c1755ab116947e88a59ac03e28a9"
        "uri": "pkg:docker/alpine@sha256:69e70a79f2d41ab5d637de98c1e0b055206ba40a8145e7bddb55ccc04e13cf8f",
        "digest": {
          "sha256": "69e70a79f2d41ab5d637de98c1e0b055206ba40a8145e7bddb55ccc04e13cf8f"
        "uri": "pkg:docker/alpine@sha256:69e70a79f2d41ab5d637de98c1e0b055206ba40a8145e7bddb55ccc04e13cf8f",
        "digest": {
          "sha256": "69e70a79f2d41ab5d637de98c1e0b055206ba40a8145e7bddb55ccc04e13cf8f"
        "uri": "pkg:docker/org/build/openjdk-11@sha256:51aa63475b5e1e2e22d1dc416556a14658a7e03a0d3c88bb9dd7b6e3411ae34a?",
        "digest": {
          "sha256": "51aa63475b5e1e2e22d1dc416556a14658a7e03a0d3c88bb9dd7b6e3411ae34a"

Example PipelineRun attestation:

  "_type": "",
  "predicateType": "",
  "subject": [
      "name": "",
      "digest": {
        "sha256": "41a8ace7b880ae40708daa60387d2f181c41ecec667c93010294d1529d58c27e"
  "predicate": {
    "builder": {
      "id": ""
    "buildType": "",
    "invocation": {
      "configSource": {},
      "parameters": {
        "git-repo": "/~",
        "git-revision": "main",
        "output-image": ""
    "buildConfig": {
      "tasks": [
          "name": "git-clone",
          "ref": {
            "name": "git-clone",
            "kind": "Task"
          "startedOn": "2022-08-29T18:42:04Z",
          "finishedOn": "2022-08-29T18:42:23Z",
          "status": "Succeeded",
          "steps": [
              "entryPoint": "#!/usr/bin/env sh\nset -eu\n\nif [ \"${PARAM_VERBOSE}\" = \"true\" ] ; then\n  set -x\nfi\n\n\nif [ \"${WORKSPACE_BASIC_AUTH_DIRECTORY_BOUND}\" = \"true\" ] ; then\n  cp \"${WORKSPACE_BASIC_AUTH_DIRECTORY_PATH}/.git-credentials\" \"${PARAM_USER_HOME}/.git-credentials\"\n  cp \"${WORKSPACE_BASIC_AUTH_DIRECTORY_PATH}/.gitconfig\" \"${PARAM_USER_HOME}/.gitconfig\"\n  chmod 400 \"${PARAM_USER_HOME}/.git-credentials\"\n  chmod 400 \"${PARAM_USER_HOME}/.gitconfig\"\nfi\n\nif [ \"${WORKSPACE_SSH_DIRECTORY_BOUND}\" = \"true\" ] ; then\n  cp -R \"${WORKSPACE_SSH_DIRECTORY_PATH}\" \"${PARAM_USER_HOME}\"/.ssh\n  chmod 700 \"${PARAM_USER_HOME}\"/.ssh\n  chmod -R 400 \"${PARAM_USER_HOME}\"/.ssh/*\nfi\n\nif [ \"${WORKSPACE_SSL_CA_DIRECTORY_BOUND}\" = \"true\" ] ; then\n   export GIT_SSL_CAPATH=\"${WORKSPACE_SSL_CA_DIRECTORY_PATH}\"\nfi\nCHECKOUT_DIR=\"${WORKSPACE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${PARAM_SUBDIRECTORY}\"\n\ncleandir() {\n  # Delete any existing contents of the repo directory if it exists.\n  #\n  # We don't just \"rm -rf ${CHECKOUT_DIR}\" because ${CHECKOUT_DIR} might be \"/\"\n  # or the root of a mounted volume.\n  if [ -d \"${CHECKOUT_DIR}\" ] ; then\n    # Delete non-hidden files and directories\n    rm -rf \"${CHECKOUT_DIR:?}\"/*\n    # Delete files and directories starting with . but excluding ..\n    rm -rf \"${CHECKOUT_DIR}\"/.[!.]*\n    # Delete files and directories starting with .. plus any other character\n    rm -rf \"${CHECKOUT_DIR}\"/..?*\n  fi\n}\n\nif [ \"${PARAM_DELETE_EXISTING}\" = \"true\" ] ; then\n  cleandir\nfi\n\ntest -z \"${PARAM_HTTP_PROXY}\" || export HTTP_PROXY=\"${PARAM_HTTP_PROXY}\"\ntest -z \"${PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY}\" || export HTTPS_PROXY=\"${PARAM_HTTPS_PROXY}\"\ntest -z \"${PARAM_NO_PROXY}\" || export NO_PROXY=\"${PARAM_NO_PROXY}\"\n\n/ko-app/git-init \\\n  -url=\"${PARAM_URL}\" \\\n  -revision=\"${PARAM_REVISION}\" \\\n  -refspec=\"${PARAM_REFSPEC}\" \\\n  -path=\"${CHECKOUT_DIR}\" \\\n  -sslVerify=\"${PARAM_SSL_VERIFY}\" \\\n  -submodules=\"${PARAM_SUBMODULES}\" \\\n  -depth=\"${PARAM_DEPTH}\" \\\n  -sparseCheckoutDirectories=\"${PARAM_SPARSE_CHECKOUT_DIRECTORIES}\"\ncd \"${CHECKOUT_DIR}\"\nRESULT_SHA=\"$(git rev-parse HEAD)\"\nEXIT_CODE=\"$?\"\nif [ \"${EXIT_CODE}\" != 0 ] ; then\n  exit \"${EXIT_CODE}\"\nfi\nprintf \"%s\" \"${RESULT_SHA}\" > \"$(results.commit.path)\"\nprintf \"%s\" \"${PARAM_URL}\" > \"$(results.url.path)\"\n",
              "arguments": null,
              "environment": {
                "container": "clone",
                "image": ""
              "annotations": null
          "invocation": {
            "configSource": {},
            "parameters": {
              "deleteExisting": "true",
              "depth": "1",
              "gitInitImage": "",
              "httpProxy": "",
              "httpsProxy": "",
              "noProxy": "",
              "refspec": "",
              "revision": "main",
              "sparseCheckoutDirectories": "",
              "sslVerify": "true",
              "subdirectory": "",
              "submodules": "true",
              "url": "/~",
              "userHome": "/tekton/home",
              "verbose": "true"
          "results": [
              "name": "commit",
              "value": "89dedecaca1b85346600c7db9939a4fe090a42ef"
              "name": "url",
              "value": "/~"
          "name": "source-security-scan",
          "after": [
          "ref": {
            "name": "trivy-scanner",
            "kind": "Task",
            "bundle": ""
          "startedOn": "2022-08-29T18:42:24Z",
          "finishedOn": "2022-08-29T18:42:40Z",
          "status": "Succeeded",
          "steps": [
              "entryPoint": "#!/usr/bin/env sh\n  cmd=\"trivy $* $(params.IMAGE_PATH)\"\n  echo \"Running trivy task with command below\"\n  echo \"$cmd\"\n  eval \"$cmd\"\n",
              "arguments": [
              "environment": {
                "container": "trivy-scan",
                "image": ""
              "annotations": null
          "invocation": {
            "configSource": {},
            "parameters": {
              "ARGS": [
              "IMAGE_PATH": ".",
              "TRIVY_IMAGE": ""
          "name": "image-build",
          "after": [
          "ref": {
            "name": "buildah",
            "kind": "ClusterTask"
          "startedOn": "2022-08-29T18:42:41Z",
          "finishedOn": "2022-08-29T18:43:03Z",
          "status": "Succeeded",
          "steps": [
              "entryPoint": "[[ \"$(workspaces.sslcertdir.bound)\" == \"true\" ]] && CERT_DIR_FLAG=\"--cert-dir $(workspaces.sslcertdir.path)\"\nbuildah ${CERT_DIR_FLAG} --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) bud \\\n  $(params.BUILD_EXTRA_ARGS) --format=$(params.FORMAT) \\\n  --tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) --no-cache \\\n  -f $(params.DOCKERFILE) -t $(params.IMAGE) $(params.CONTEXT)\n",
              "arguments": null,
              "environment": {
                "container": "build",
                "image": ""
              "annotations": null
              "entryPoint": "[[ \"$(params.SKIP_PUSH)\" == \"true\" ]] && echo \"Push skipped\" && exit 0\n[[ \"$(workspaces.sslcertdir.bound)\" == \"true\" ]] && CERT_DIR_FLAG=\"--cert-dir $(workspaces.sslcertdir.path)\"\nbuildah ${CERT_DIR_FLAG} --storage-driver=$(params.STORAGE_DRIVER) push \\\n  $(params.PUSH_EXTRA_ARGS) --tls-verify=$(params.TLSVERIFY) \\\n  --digestfile $(workspaces.source.path)/image-digest $(params.IMAGE) \\\n  docker://$(params.IMAGE)\n",
              "arguments": null,
              "environment": {
                "container": "push",
                "image": ""
              "annotations": null
              "entryPoint": "cat \"$(workspaces.source.path)\"/image-digest | tee $(results.IMAGE_DIGEST.path)\necho \"$(params.IMAGE)\" | tee $(results.IMAGE_URL.path)\n",
              "arguments": null,
              "environment": {
                "container": "digest-to-results",
                "image": ""
              "annotations": null
          "invocation": {
            "configSource": {},
            "parameters": {
              "BUILDER_IMAGE": "",
              "BUILD_EXTRA_ARGS": "",
              "CONTEXT": ".",
              "DOCKERFILE": "./Dockerfile",
              "FORMAT": "oci",
              "IMAGE": "",
              "PUSH_EXTRA_ARGS": "",
              "SKIP_PUSH": "false",
              "STORAGE_DRIVER": "vfs",
              "TLSVERIFY": "true"
          "results": [
              "name": "IMAGE_DIGEST",
              "value": "sha256:41a8ace7b880ae40708daa60387d2f181c41ecec667c93010294d1529d58c27e"
              "name": "IMAGE_URL",
              "value": "\n"
          "name": "image-security-scan",
          "after": [
          "ref": {
            "name": "trivy-scanner",
            "kind": "Task",
            "bundle": ""
          "startedOn": "2022-08-29T18:43:03Z",
          "finishedOn": "2022-08-29T18:43:14Z",
          "status": "Succeeded",
          "steps": [
              "entryPoint": "#!/usr/bin/env sh\n  cmd=\"trivy $* $(params.IMAGE_PATH)\"\n  echo \"Running trivy task with command below\"\n  echo \"$cmd\"\n  eval \"$cmd\"\n",
              "arguments": [
              "environment": {
                "container": "trivy-scan",
                "image": ""
              "annotations": null
          "invocation": {
            "configSource": {},
            "parameters": {
              "ARGS": [
              "IMAGE_PATH": "\n",
              "TRIVY_IMAGE": ""
    "metadata": {
      "buildStartedOn": "2022-08-29T18:42:04Z",
      "buildFinishedOn": "2022-08-29T18:43:14Z",
      "completeness": {
        "parameters": false,
        "environment": false,
        "materials": false
      "reproducible": false
    "materials": [
        "uri": "git+/~",
        "digest": {
          "sha1": "89dedecaca1b85346600c7db9939a4fe090a42ef"

Structured Result Type Hinting

A new feature will be implemented to have better support for artifact provenance retrieval. More details can be found in Tekton Pipelines.

The feature requires Tekton Pipeline v0.38 or later.

To capture artifacts created by a task in a structured manner, Tekton Chains integrated with structured results and retrieve artifacts' provenances. The result should be in the following format in a Task:

  - name: {artifact_name}-ARTIFACT_INPUTS
    description: Digest of the image just built.
    type: object
        type: string
  - name: {artifact_name}-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS
    description: Digest of the image just built.
    type: object
        type: string

Suffix -ARTIFACT_INPUTS will retrieve the artifact provenance and put them in Intoto Materials, and -ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS will retrieve the artifact provenance and put them in Intoto Subjects.

uri is the unique identifier for this artifact, and digest needs to be a string on the format alg:digest.

An example structured result in a TaskRun:

        - name: img_1-ARTIFACT_INPUTS
               digest: sha123@89dedecaca1b85346600c7db9939a4fe090a42ef
        - name: mvn1_pkg-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS
               uri: maven-test-0.0.1.jar
               digest: sha256@89dedecaca1b85346600c7db9939a4fe090a42ee
        - name: mvn1_pom-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS
               uri: maven-test-0.0.1.pom
               digest: sha256@89dedecaca1b85346600c7db9939a4fe090a42eg
        - name: mvn1_src-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS
               uri: maven-test-0.0.1-sources.jar
               digest: sha256@89dedecaca1b85346600c7db9939a4fe090a42ez

Invocation Environment

TaskRun attestations include the annotations and labels of the underlying TaskRun resource. The same is true for PipelineRun attestations. These are included under the path .predicate.invocation.environment.annotations and .predicate.invocation.environment.labels repectively.

PipelineRun attestations also include the annotations and labels of the TaskRuns used at .predicate.buildConfig.tasks[].invocation.environment.

The following annotations are always excluded:

  • Annotations starting with