We are open to, and grateful for, any contributions made by the community. By contributing to wizard, you agree to abide by the code of conduct.
Please follow the Google javascript style guide.
Commit messages should be verb based, using the following pattern:
Fixes ...
Adds ...
Updates ...
Removes ...
Please update the tests to reflect your code changes. Pull requests will not be accepted if they are failing on Travis CI.
Please update the docs accordingly so that there are no discrepencies between the API and the documentation.
npm run test
run the mocha tests for browser environmentnpm run test:watch
watch for changes and runtest
npm run build
bundle the source
Releasing a new version is mostly automated. Once this has been done run the commands below. Versions should follow semantic versioning.
npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease | from-git]
npm publish