A pure Haskell implementation of RIPEMD-160 and HMAC-RIPEMD160 on strict and lazy ByteStrings.
A sample GHCi session:
> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> -- import qualified
> import qualified Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD160 as RIPEMD160
> -- 'hash' and 'hmac' operate on strict bytestrings
> let hash_s = RIPEMD160.hash "strict bytestring input"
> let hmac_s = RIPEMD160.hmac "strict secret" "strict bytestring input"
> -- 'hash_lazy' and 'hmac_lazy' operate on lazy bytestrings
> -- but note that the key for HMAC is always strict
> let hash_l = RIPEMD160.hash_lazy "lazy bytestring input"
> let hmac_l = RIPEMD160.hmac_lazy "strict secret" "lazy bytestring input"
> -- results are always unformatted 160-bit (20-byte) strict bytestrings
> import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
> BS.take 10 hash_s
> BS.take 10 hmac_l
> -- you can use third-party libraries for rendering if needed
> -- e.g., using ppad-base16:
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
> B16.encode hash_s
> B16.encode hmac_l
Haddocks (API documentation, etc.) are hosted at docs.ppad.tech/ripemd160.
The aim is best-in-class performance for pure, highly-auditable Haskell code.
Current benchmark figures on my mid-2020 MacBook Air look like (use
cabal bench
to run the benchmark suite):
benchmarking ppad-ripemd160/RIPEMD160 (32B input)/hash
time 786.6 ns (778.0 ns .. 796.7 ns)
0.999 R² (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 778.6 ns (775.3 ns .. 784.2 ns)
std dev 13.85 ns (9.858 ns .. 22.05 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 20% (moderately inflated)
benchmarking ppad-ripemd160/HMAC-RIPEMD160 (32B input)/hmac
time 2.933 μs (2.906 μs .. 2.974 μs)
0.999 R² (0.999 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean 3.002 μs (2.978 μs .. 3.022 μs)
std dev 74.97 ns (62.74 ns .. 89.91 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 30% (moderately inflated)
This library aims at the maximum security achievable in a garbage-collected language under an optimizing compiler such as GHC, in which strict constant-timeness can be challenging to achieve.
The RIPEMD-160 functions pass the vectors present in the official spec, and the HMAC-RIPEMD160 functions pass all vectors found contained in RFC2286.
If you discover any vulnerabilities, please disclose them via security@ppad.tech.
You'll require Nix with flake support enabled. Enter a development shell with:
$ nix develop
Then do e.g.:
$ cabal repl ppad-ripemd160
to get a REPL for the main library.