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Releases: poi-vrc/DressingTools


21 Apr 16:09
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2.4.1-beta Pre-release

What's Changed

  • fix: group dynamics inconsistent pass order causing it not being animated by @poi-vrc in #408

Full Changelog: 2.4.0...2.4.1-beta


14 Apr 14:39
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DressingTools2 is a standalone UPM package and supports Unity 2019.4 or later.
Tested on Unity 2019.4.31f1, 2022.3.6f1, 2023.2.2f1.
It can be installed via VCC, UPM or .unitypackage file.

Please read the installation guide before downloading.
下載前請 閱讀安裝指南

What's Changed

feat: group dynamics component by @poi-vrc in #382

  • Extracted from cabinet animation system
  • Allows to group dynamics into a single object and then separate them into children objects, useful for selectively enable or disable dynamics
  • You should use this with the SmartControl system. So you can selectively enable and disable dynamics for performance and better grabbing (avoid grabbing unrelated bones) like the current cabinet animation system.


feat: add SmartControl VRCPhysBone driver by @poi-vrc in #375

  • Make your PhysBone interactive with others by toggling on/off objects and changing properties with few clicks!


feat: automatic dynamics option detection for armature mapping

  • Detect Frankenstein bones (aka clothes bones that are not originated from the avatar armature) and use ignore transforms if necessary, in order to try to reduce issues on these cases.


feat: add support for Legacy Editor to perform destructive apply

  • Previously, the legacy editor does not perform destructive apply like how v1 does. It just adds the object and do nothing until play mode or upload. It seems that there are a group of users that still have demands on the v1 destructive approach.
  • Since v2.4, I have made some preparations for selectively destructive apply and thus allowing me to add destructive support for Legacy Editor. The legacy editor in this version probably can already behave the same as v1. Hopefully, this allows all v1 users to update to v2 without concerning Unity 2022 compatibility, future updates and bugs that currently exist in v1.
  • However, I still recommend everyone to use the non-destructive approach for their new avatars.


refactor: multiple components stage 1 by @poi-vrc in #376

  • All of the current features will be available as components soon. Currently, this is being prepared internally and they are currently not visible to users
  • Internally, these modules are automatically converted into components:
    • ArmatureMappingModule --> DTArmatureMapping --> DTObjectMapping, DTIgnoreDynamics, DTCopyDynamics
    • BlendshapeSyncModule--> DTBlendshapeSync
    • MoveRootModule --> DTMoveRoot
  • Since the refactor is too large, these modules will be included in next refactor commit:
    • CabinetAnimModule
    • VRCMergeAnimLayerModule

Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.4.0


02 Apr 12:10
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2.4.0-beta.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • fix: avoid using editorprefs too early in ctor by @poi-vrc in #396
  • fix: add missing serializable attributes by @poi-vrc in #397

Full Changelog: 2.4.0-beta...2.4.0-beta.1


30 Mar 03:15
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2.4.0-beta Pre-release

What's Changed

feat: group dynamics component by @poi-vrc in #382

  • Extracted from cabinet animation system
  • Allows to group dynamics into a single object and then separate them into children objects, useful for selectively enable or disable dynamics
  • You should use this with the SmartControl system. So you can selectively enable and disable dynamics for performance and better grabbing (avoid grabbing unrelated bones) like the current cabinet animation system.


feat: add SmartControl VRCPhysBone driver by @poi-vrc in #375

  • Make your PhysBone interactive with others by toggling on/off objects and changing properties with few clicks!


feat: automatic dynamics option detection for armature mapping

  • Detect Frankenstein bones (aka clothes bones that are not originated from the avatar armature) and use ignore transforms if necessary, in order to try to reduce issues on these cases.


feat: add support for Legacy Editor to perform destructive apply

  • Previously, the legacy editor does not perform destructive apply like how v1 does. It just adds the object and do nothing until play mode or upload. It seems that there are a group of users that still have demands on the v1 destructive approach.
  • Since v2.4, I have made some preparations for selectively destructive apply and thus allowing me to add destructive support for Legacy Editor. The legacy editor in this version probably can already behave the same as v1. Hopefully, this allows all v1 users to update to v2 without concerning Unity 2022 compatibility, future updates and bugs that currently exist in v1.
  • However, I still recommend everyone to use the non-destructive approach for their new avatars.


refactor: multiple components stage 1 by @poi-vrc in #376

  • All of the current features will be available as components soon. Currently, this is being prepared internally and they are currently not visible to users
  • Internally, these modules are automatically converted into components:
    • ArmatureMappingModule --> DTArmatureMapping --> DTObjectMapping, DTIgnoreDynamics, DTCopyDynamics
    • BlendshapeSyncModule--> DTBlendshapeSync
    • MoveRootModule --> DTMoveRoot
  • Since the refactor is too large, these modules will be included in next refactor commit:
    • CabinetAnimModule
    • VRCMergeAnimLayerModule

Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.4.0-beta


23 Mar 16:10
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What's Changed

  • feat: customizable network synced, saved, cabinet menu item name and path by @poi-vrc in #363
  • feat: add no reset customizables on switch outfit by @poi-vrc in #374
  • chore: use dk 2.1.0 by @poi-vrc in #377
  • New partial Korean translation by @icebear-998

Full Changelog: 2.2.1...2.3.0


20 Mar 16:49
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2.3.0-beta.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • fix: issues when using grouping dynamics with cabinet animations in v2.3.0 by @poi-vrc in #381

Full Changelog: 2.3.0-beta...2.3.0-beta.1


19 Mar 15:36
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2.3.0-beta Pre-release

What's Changed

  • feat: customizable network synced, saved, cabinet menu item name and path by @poi-vrc in #363
  • feat: add no reset customizables on switch outfit by @poi-vrc in #374
  • chore: use dk 2.1.0 by @poi-vrc in #377
  • New partial Korean translation by @icebear-998

Full Changelog: 2.2.1...2.3.0-beta


15 Mar 00:54
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What's Changed

  • fix: toggles stuck when accessing the same object in WD off env by @poi-vrc in #369

Full Changelog: 2.2.0...2.2.1


DressingTools2 is a standalone UPM package and supports Unity 2019.4 or later.
Tested on Unity 2019.4.31f1, 2022.3.6f1, 2023.2.2f1.
It can be installed via VCC, UPM or .unitypackage file.

Please read the installation guide before downloading.
下載前請 閱讀安裝指南


14 Mar 12:12
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2.2.1-beta Pre-release

What's Changed

  • fix: toggles stuck when accessing the same object in WD off env by @poi-vrc in #369

Full Changelog: 2.2.0...2.2.1-beta


10 Mar 13:24
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What's Changed

  • refactor: support avatar-based DK structure by @poi-vrc in #335
  • feat: added new Smart Control component for creating animations to toggle objects or components on and off, or changing blendshape, component, shader properties etc.
  • feat: add write defaults checker and auto-detect setting by @poi-vrc in #357
  • fix: remove unnecessary settings to avoid confusion by @poi-vrc in #362
  • fix: do not generate menu if no cabinet anims by @poi-vrc in #364

Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.2.0


DressingTools2 is a standalone UPM package and supports Unity 2019.4 or later.
Tested on Unity 2019.4.31f1, 2022.3.6f1, 2023.2.2f1.
It can be installed via VCC, UPM or .unitypackage file.

Please read the installation guide before downloading.
下載前請 閱讀安裝指南