The main
function should contained on a executable program, and the program start from the function.
function main() -> usize {
let a: usize = 10;
let b: usize = 20;
return a + b;
This language support following style of comment:
- One line comment that start with
and valid until newline.
let a: usize = 10;
// This is comment, and b doesn't declared.
// let b: usize = 20;
- Multiline comment that start with
and valid until most far*/
/* /* /* nested one */ */ */
The mini programming language support a few types described below:
type | description |
void | an empty, zero sized type |
isize | signed native size integer |
int8 | signed 8-bit integer |
int16 | signed 16-bit integer |
int32 | signed 32-bit integer |
int64 | signed 64-bit integer |
usize | unsigned native size integer |
uint8 | unsigned 8-bit integer |
uint16 | unsigned 16-bit integer |
uint32 | unsigned 32-bit integer |
uint64 | unsigned 64-bit integer |
char | 8-bit value for ascii codepoint |
bool | 0 for false or 1 for true |
struct | a collection of value |
enum | a collection of unique ints |
array | a list of value |
pointer | a value pointing to a value |
The type of integer literal is determined by its size. More precisly, if the integer cannot be represented by n-bit, but can be by m-bit, where n < m and n * 2 = m, the type will be uintm
If the integer cannot be represented by 64-bit, this cause compile error.
An integer will be converted to target integer type implicitly with following rule:
- If the integer is unsigned:
- If target integer type is unsigned or signed, then convertion always success if target size is larger than or equal to original one.
- Otherwise the convertion always fail.
- If the integer is signed.
- If target integer type is signed, then convertion always success if target size is larger than or equal to original one.
- Otherwise the convertion always fail.
Here is the examples of implicit convertion at arthmetic operations:
- Integers will be converted for infix operator when two integers has same sign, and the size rounded into bigger one.
let a: uint8 = 10;
let b: uint16 = 20;
let c: uint16 = a + b;
- If unsigned integer was negated, it implicitly converted into signed one with bigger size.
let a: uint8 = 10;
let b: int16 = -a;
- The conversion for two integer with different sign changes the sign of result.
let a: uint8 = 10;
let b: int8 = -10;
let c: int16 = a + b;
Functions cannot accept value which size is more thant 8 byte, and cannot accept more than 6 arguments.
Also, function must returns value less than or equal to 8 byte.
A constant expression is an expression which contains only integer literal and using only some arthemtic operator, and evaluated as usize
Infix operators &, |, ^, <<, >>, +, -, *, /, %
and unary operator ~
is allowed.
The syntax of mini programming language is as follow:
<program> ::= { <declaration> }*
<declaration> ::= <function-declaration>
| <struct-declaration>
| <enum-declaration>
<function-declaration> ::= "function" "(" <function-parameters> ")" [ "->" <type> ] [ <block-statement> ]
<function-parameters> ::= <function-parameter>
| <function-parameter> "," <function-parameters>
| "..."
<function-parameter> ::= <identifier> ":" <type>
<struct-declaration> ::= "struct" "{" <struct-items> "}"
<struct-items> ::= <struct-item> [ "," [ <struct-items> ] ]
<struct-item> ::= <identifier> ":" <type>
<enum-declaration> ::= "enum" "{" <enum-items> "}"
<enum-items> ::= <enum-item> [ "," [ <enum-items> ] ]
<enum-item> ::= <identifier> [ "=" <constant-expression> ]
<type> ::= "void"
| "isize"
| "int8"
| "int16"
| "int32"
| "int64"
| "usize"
| "uint8"
| "uint16"
| "uint32"
| "uint64"
| "char"
| "bool"
| <struct-or-enum-name>
| <array>
| <pointer>
<struct-or-enum-name> :: <identifier>
<array> ::= "(" <type> ")" <array-indexe>
<array-index> ::= "[" [ <constant-expression> ] "]"
<pointer> ::= "*" <type>
<statement> ::= <expression-statement>
| <return-statement>
| <break-statement>
| <continue-statement>
| <while-statement>
| <if-statement>
| <block-statement>
<expression-statement> ::= <expression> ";"
<return-statement> ::= "return" [ <expression> ] ";"
<break-statement> ::= "break" ";"
<continue-statement> ::= "continue" ";"
<while-statement> ::= "while" "(" <expression> ")" <statement>
<if-statement> ::= "if" "(" <expression> ")" <statement> [ "else" <statement> ]
<block-statement> ::= "{" <block-statement-items> "}"
<block-statement-items> ::= <block-statement-item> [ <block-statement-items> ]
<block-statement-item> ::= <variable-declarations> | <statement>
<variable-declarations> ::= "let" <variable-declarations-ids> ";"
<variable-declarations-ids> ::= <identifier> ":" <type> [ "=" <expression> ] [ <variable-declarations-ids> ]
<constant-expression> ::= <logical-or-expression>
<expression> ::= <logical-or-expression>
| <unary-expression> "=" <expression>
<logical-or-expression> ::= <logical-and-expression> [ "||" <logical-or-expression> ]
<logical-and-expression> ::= <inclusive-or-expression> [ "&&" <logical-and-expression> ]
<inclusive-or-expression> ::= <exclusive-or-expression> [ "|" <inclusive-or-expression> ]
<exclusive-or-expression> ::= <and-expression> [ "^" <exclusive-or-expression> ]
<and-expression> ::= <equality-expression> [ "&" <and-expression> ]
<equality-expression> ::= <relational-expression> [ { "==" | "!=" } <equality-expression> ]
<relational-expression> ::= <shift-expression> [ { "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" } <relational-expression> ]
<shift-expression> ::= <additive-expression> [ { "<<" || ">>" } <shift-expression> ]
<additive-expression> ::= <multiplicative-expression> [ { "+" | "-" } <additive-expression> ]
<multiplicative-expression> ::= <cast-expression> [ { "*" | "/" | "%" } <multiplicative-expression> ]
<cast-expression> ::= <unary-expression>
| <cast-expression> "as" <type>
<unary-expression> ::= <postfix-expression>
| { "&" | "*" | "-" | "~" | "!" } <unary-expression>
| "esizeof" <unary-expression>
| "tsizeof" <type>
<postfix-expression> ::= <primary-expression>
| <postfix-expression> "[" <expression> "]"
| <postfix-expression> "(" <function-call-args> ")"
| <postfix-expression> "." <identifier>
<function-call-args> ::= <expression> [ "," <function-call-args> ]
<primary-expression> ::= <enum-select>
| <identifier>
| <integer>
| <string>
| <character>
| <struct-init>
| <array-init>
| "true"
| "false"
| "nullptr"
| "(" <expression> ")"
<enum-select> ::= <identifier> "::" <identifier>
<integer> ::= ...
<string> ::= ...
<character> ::= ...
<struct-init> ::= <identifier> "{" <struct-initializers> "}"
<struct-initializers> ::= <struct-initializer> [ "," [ <struct-initializers> ] ]
<struct-initializer> ::= <identifier> ":" <expression>
<array-init> ::= "{" <array-initializers> "}"
<array-initializers> ::= <expression> [ "," [ <array-initializers> ] ]