23 January 2009
(C) Copyright 1988-2009 by Daniel M. Lawrence MicroEMACS 5.0 can be copied and distributed freely for any non-commercial purposes. Commercial users may use MicroEMACS 5.0 inhouse. Shareware distributors may redistribute MicroEMACS 5.0 for media costs only. MicroEMACS 5.0 can only be incorporated into commercial software or resold with the permission of the current author.
IBM-PC and OS/2 are copyrighted by International Business Machines, INC. MSDOS and MicroSoft Windows are copyrighted by Microsoft Inc. AMIGA is copywrited by Commodore Business Machines. Atari ST is copyrighted by Atari Corporation. All other product names used within this project are copyrighted by their respective copyright holders.