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Getting started with examples

The benchmark/ directory contains experiments to train a model (or run predictions) on specific datasets (namely GeoLifeCLEF datasets).

The custom_train/ directory contains dummy examples of custom training scripts that you can re-use to train a model on your own dataset.

The inference/ directory contains expriments linking to existing trained models to run predictions on GeoLifeCLEF dataset or on your own.


Each examples' main components and their interactions are illustrated in the following diagram:


Every example contains a main Python script file running the training or prediction of a model.

This script is parametrized by a .yaml configuration file; reads the data in a dataset/ folder; and saves the model's weights, logs, metrics and predictions in an outputs/ folder.

When ran, the script will call the 3 main components of the Malpolon library:

  1. Dataset: defines how to read data from your dataset at each iteration
  2. Data Module: loads and preprocesses the data; makes the bridge between the dataset and the model trainer; holds any data-related hyperparameters (batch size, number of workers, data transform functions...)
  3. Model: defines the neural network architecture; holds any model-related hyperparameters & objects (loss function, optimizer, metrics, model size...)

Additionally, a toolbox containing useful data pre-processing scripts is available at the project's root.

Usage (examples)

To run an experiment as is, simply run:

python <SCRIPT_NAME>.py

How to run benchmark examples

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Benchmark examples are custom tailored experiments we created to showcase the capabilities of Malpolon on specific datasets. They are mostly focused on the GeoLifeClef challenges from years 2022 to 2024.

There is no tuning to do to run these examples. You could even run the same models on your own dataset by exactly following the same data formats, structures and modalities.

How to customize and train your example

Click here to toggle instructions To create a custom example, we recommend you duplicate an example that best fits your use case and follow these steps:

0. Drop your data in dataset/

1. Update your configuration file

Update your .yaml config file in the config/ directory to match your dataset, model and training parameters. In particular, update the paths to your data and observation files, your number of classes, your training task, your model selection, and your metrics.

💡 To list all the models available from timm, open a terminal and run:

import timm

For torchvision head over to:

2. Create a dataset class

If your dataset structure or data format is not supported by any of the existing Dataset classes, you will need to write your own, inheriting at least our base class

See for examples.

3. Update your data module

In your script file, update your DataModule class to use the correct dataset class by re-defining the get_dataset() method.

Here is an example of a custom DataModule class inheriting RasterGeoDataModule before the main function:

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class CustomDataModule(RasterGeoDataModule):
    def get_dataset(self, split, transform, **kwargs):
        dataset = CustomDataset(
        return dataset

If you need to customize your class input parameters or to redefine the initialization method, you can do so by overriding the __init__ method.

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class CustomDataModule(RasterGeoDataModule):
   def __init__(
        dataset_path: str,
        labels_name: str = 'labels.csv',
        train_batch_size: int = 32,
        inference_batch_size: int = 16,
        num_workers: int = 8,
        size: int = 200,
        units: str = 'pixel',
        crs: int = 4326,
        binary_positive_classes: list = [],
        task: str = 'classification_multiclass',
        dataset_kwargs: dict = {},
        """Class constructor."""
        super().__init__(dataset_path, labels_name, train_batch_size, inference_batch_size, num_workers, size, units, crs, binary_positive_classes, task, dataset_kwargs, **kwargs)

    def get_dataset(self, split, transform, **kwargs):
        dataset = CustomDataset(
        return dataset

Additionally, you can update the train_transform and test_transform properties to use your custom data transforms.

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class CustomDataModule(RasterGeoDataModule):
   def __init__(
        dataset_path: str,
        labels_name: str = 'labels.csv',
        train_batch_size: int = 32,
        inference_batch_size: int = 16,
        num_workers: int = 8,
        size: int = 200,
        units: str = 'pixel',
        crs: int = 4326,
        binary_positive_classes: list = [],
        task: str = 'classification_multiclass',
        dataset_kwargs: dict = {},
        """Class constructor."""
        super().__init__(dataset_path, labels_name, train_batch_size, inference_batch_size, num_workers, size, units, crs, binary_positive_classes, task, dataset_kwargs, **kwargs)

    def get_dataset(self, split, transform, **kwargs):
        dataset = CustomDataset(
        return dataset

    def train_transform(self):
        return transforms.Compose(
                transforms.RandomRotation(degrees=45, fill=1),
                    mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406, 0.2],
                    std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225, 0.2]

4. Call your custom data module

In your script main function, update the line instanciating your datamodule to use your custom class:

# Datamodule & Model
datamodule = CustomDataModule(**, **cfg.task)

5. Look at your results

Your model weights, logs, metrics and predictions will be saved in the outputs/<SCRIPT_NAME>/<DATE>/ folder.

Weights are stored in a PyTorch checkpoint file either named last.ckpt or pretrained.ckpt.

Metrics are saved in a metrics.csv file. Additionally, by default they are logged in a TensorBoard file which you can view by running the following command in a terminal:

tensorboard --logdir tensorboard_logs/

and then ctrl+click on the localhost link that appears in the terminal.

Your parameters for this run are stored in a hparams.yaml file.

Logs are saved in a <SCRIPT_NAME>.log file.

How to run predictions (inference) ?

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There are 2 ways to run predictions on your mmodel.

  1. The recommended way
  • Create a new directory under examples/inference/ containing your example script.
  • Create symbolic links to your dataset and training outputs (Linux/Mac command lines):
    • ln -s ../../custom_train/<EXAMPLE_NAME>/dataset/ dataset
    • ln -s ../../custom_train/<EXAMPLE_NAME>/outputs/ outputs_training
  • Copy your config file and:
    • Change the key run.predict to run.predict_type with either test_dataset or test_point as value.
    • Update the value of run.checkpoint_path to outputs_training/<SCRIPT_NAME>/<DATE>/last.ckpt.

Then run your script as usual.

  1. The manual way

For a quick test, you can also:

  • Update the run.predict key in your config file to false.
  • Update the value of run.checkpoint_path to outputs/<SCRIPT_NAME>/<DATE>/last.ckpt.
  • Comment in your script the inference part you don't need (test dataset or data point)
  • Find your inference outputs in the newest outputs/<SCRIPT_NAME>/<DATE>/ folder and merge them with your training outputs folder.

Parameters configuration (config files)

Each example contains a .yaml configuration file in the config/ directory which is called by the main function of the experiment's script. All hyperparameters are specified in this configuration file, which is transformed into a dictionary by the Hydra library.

You can parametrize your models and your training routine through your .yaml config file which is split in main sections:

  • run: parameters related to prediction and transfer learning
    This section is passed on to your PyTorchLightning checkpoint loading method.
  • data: data related information such as the path to your dataset or batch size.
    This section is passed on to your data module (e.g. Sentinel2TorchGeoDataModule).
  • task: defines the type of deep learning task chosen for your experiment (currently only supporting any of ['classification_binary', 'classification_multiclass', 'classification_multilabel'])
    This section is passed on to your prediction system (e.g. ClassificationSystem). If 'multiclass' is chosen, the loss will be set to CrossEntropyLoss; otherwise it will be BCEWithLogitsLoss.
  • trainer: parameters to tweak your training session via PyTorchLightning Trainer class
    This section is passed on to your PyTorchLightning trainer.
  • model: defines which model you want to load, from which source, and contains models hyperparameters. You can pass any model hyperparameter listed in your provider's model builder.
    This section is passed on to your prediction system (e.g. ClassificationSystem).
  • optim: your loss parameters optimizer, scheduler and metrics hyperparameters.
    This section is passed on to your prediction system (e.g. ClassificationSystem).

Hereafter is a detailed list of every sub parameters (blue entries are dataset-specific):

Click here to expand sub parameters
  • run

    • predict (bool): If set to true, runs your example in inference mode; if set to false, runs your example in training mode.
    • checkpoint_path (str): Path to the PyTorch checkpoint you wish to load weights from, for prediction, resuming training or performing transfer learning.
  • data

    • num_classes (int): Number of classes for your classification task.
    • dataset_path (str): path to the dataset (details about how to structure your data in examples Readmes).
    • labels_name (str): name of the file containing the labels which should be located in dataset_path
    • train_batch_size (int): size of train batches.
    • inference_batch_size (int): size of inference batches.
    • num_workers (int): number of worker processes to use for loading the data. When you set the “number of workers” parameter to a value greater than 0, the DataLoader will load data in parallel using multiple worker processes.
    • units (str): unit system of the queries performed on the dataset. This value should be equal to your observations' coords units (which can be different from your dataset's unit system). Takes any value in ['crs', 'pixel', 'meter'] as input.
    • crs (int): coordinate reference system of the queries performed on the dataset. This value should be equal to the CRS of your observations, which can be different from your dataset's CRS.
    • download_data_sample (bool): If true, a small sample of the example's dataset will be downloaded (if not already on your machine)
    • dataset_kwargs
      Parameters forwarded to the dataset constructor. You may add any parameter in this section belonging to your dataset's constructor. Leave empty (None) to use the dataset's default parameter value.
      In this example, the dataset is a concatenation of two datasets: the RasterBioclim and the PatchesDataset, passed as a list of dictionaries.
      • item n°k
        • callable (str): String containing the name of the class you want to call. Can be any class of geolifeclef2024, torchgeo_datasets or torchgeo_sentinel2 modules.
        • kwargs (dict): Dictionary containing the parameters you want to pass to your callable class.
      • ...
  • task

    • task (str): deep learning task to be performed. At the moment, can take any value in ['classification_binary', 'classification_multiclass', 'classification_multilabel']. The task determines what loss function is used (multiclass -> CrossEntropyLoss, BCEWithLogitsLoss otherwise).
  • trainer

    • accelerator (str): Selects the type of hardware you want your example to run on. Takes values in ['cpu', 'gpu', 'tpu', 'hpu', 'ipu'].
    • devices (int or str): Defines how many accelerator devices you want to use for parallelization. Set to 'auto' to use all available.
    • max_epochs (int): The maximum number of training epochs.
    • val_check_interval (int): How often within one training epoch to check the validation set. Takes any value in [0, max_steps_per_epoch]
    • check_val_every_n_epoch (int): Defines the interval of epochs on which validation should be performed throughout training.
    • log_every_n_steps (int): How often to log everything within one training step (defaults to 50 if None).
  • model

    • provider_name (str): Defines the source you want to load your models from. Models from the timm and torchvision repositories can be downloaded with or without pre-trained weights and are fully PyTorch compatible. Takes any value in ['timm', 'torchvision', 'malpolon'].
    • model_name (str): Name of the model you wish your provider to retrieve. For a complete list of available models, please refer to timm's, torchvision's or Malpolon's custom models documentations.
    • model_kwargs
      Parameters forwarded to the model constructor. You may add any parameter in this section belonging to your model's constructor. Leave empty (None) to use the model's default parameter value.
      • pretrained (bool): If true, your model will be retrieved with pre-trained weights; if false, your model will be retrieved with no weights and training will have to be conducted from scratch.
      • num_classes (int): Number of classes for you classification task.
      • in_chans (int): Number of input channels.
      • output_stride (int): Output stride value for CNN models. This parameter defines how much the convolution window is shifted when performing convolution.
      • global_pool (str): Type of global pooling. Takes any value in ['avg', 'max', 'avgmax', 'catavgmax'].
      • ...
    • modifiers
      Malpolon's modifiers you can call to modify your model's structure or behavior.
      • change_first_convolutional_layer (optional)
        • num_input_channels (int): Number of input channels you would like your model to take instead of its default value.
      • change_last_layer (optional)
        • num_outputs (int): Number of output channels you would like your model to have instead of its default value.
      • change_last_layer_to_identity_modifier (optional): Replaces the last layer of your model with an identity layer.
  • optim

    • loss_kwargs (optional): any key-value arguments compatible with the selected loss function. See PyTorch documentation for the complete list of kwargs to your loss function.
      • pos_weight (optional) (float): Weight of the positive class in the BCEWithLogitsLoss function.
      • ...
    • optimizer (optional): Chose your optimizer here. If no value provided, by default SGD is selected with the following arguments [lr=1e-2, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True]
      • <optimizer name> (optional) (str): Name of an optimizer you want to call. Can either be a custom name or one of the keys listed in malpolon.models.utils.OPTIMIZERS_CALLABLES
        • callable (optional) (str): Name of the optimizer you want to call.
        • kwargs: any key-value arguments compatible with the selected optimizer such as lr (learning rate). See PyTorch documentation for the complete list of kwargs to your optimizer. Leave empty (None) to use the optimizer's default parameter value.
          • lr (optional): learning rate
          • ...
    • metrics
      • <metric name>: The name of your metric. Can either be a custom name or one of the keys listed in malpolon.models.utils.FMETRICS_CALLABLES. In the latter case, the callable argument is not required.
        • callable (optional) (str): Name of the TorchMetrics functional metric to call (e.g.: 'torchmetrics.functional.classification.multiclass_accuracy'). Find all functional metrics on the TorchMetrics documentation page such as here in the "functional Interface" section. Learn more about functional metrics here.
        • kwargs: any key-value arguments compatible with the selected metric such as num_classes or threshold. See TorchMetrics documentation for the complete list of kwargs to your metric.
          • num_classes: Number of classes for your multiclass classification task.
          • num_labels: Number of labels for your multilabel classification task.
          • threshold (optional): Threshold value for your metric.
          • ...

⚒️ Troubleshooting

ValueError: Expected more than 1 value per channel when training, got input size torch.Size([1, 256, 1, 1])

This error might occur when your model is trying to perform a forward pass on a layer which encounters division by 0 because of how small the data is.

Typically, a ResNet block cannot run a batch_norm operation on a tensor of size [1, 256, 1, 1] because for each of the 256 channels, there is only 1 value to normalize. Since the operation is value - mean / std, the std is 0 and the operation is impossible.

To solve this issue, you can either:

  • Increase the batch size of your dataloader. A small batch size can lead to the last one containing only 1 element e.g.: a dataset of 99 elements with batch size of 2. Increasing the batch size to 4 would leave a remainder of 3 elements in the last batch [3, 256, 1, 1].
  • Increase the input size of your data so that the encoding layers don't reduce the size too much e.g.: a patch size of 64 leads to [1, 256, 4, 4]
  • Change the model architecture by removing the batch_norm layers (can lead to further issues).