Refer to
The dependencies for the installation of AppFM manually are the following :
Core :
- Docker ( : application containerization solution based on LXC
- Java 8 SDK (a version is already provided in the repository)
- Scala (a version is already provided in the repository or : The Scala Language Library
- SBT (a version is already provided or : A build tool for scala projects
- MongoDB (a version is already provided or : A document oriented database system
- ZMQ (libzmq3 & libzmq3-dev) : zeromq socket library
- Python & pyzmq
Web :
- Apache
- PHP5
sudo ./
For an installation exemple script, refer to the file "scripts/" that is used for full installation on a Debian system virtualized under Virtualbox.
Environment setup:
- scripts/ : see scripts section below
For the embed installation (in the README) :
- Vagrantfile : vagrant configuration (refer to for documentation) notably includes resource allocation, mounted directories, nat ports, additional vdi disk
- scripts/ : the script that provides (install) the vagrant box environment
For the core server :
- config.yml : main configuration file for the core server (symlink to core/src/main/resources/conf.yml)
- core/build.sbt : SBT build configuration file (contains java/scala dependencies)
For the command line interface :
- cli/ : the first lines (after imports) of the script defines core server host informations that should match with existing server configuration
For the web interface :
- web/.htaccess : apache local configuration
- web/settings.php : php application configuration (notably defines core server host informations)
== Scripts
- scripts/ : set up the environment for installation and launching of AppFM
- scripts/ : compile/package core server java/scala into an executable jar, install python cli with bash autocompletion
- scripts/ : starts the cadvisor docker monitoring utility (more information here : /~