let's continue the tradition started Sunday June 26th - and for more live coding fun today - let's try another moon-themed collection to download - or is it "right-click & save" - using the artbase machinery »
Any good pixel art collections out there? Yes, you can - tell us and post a comment.
Let's start with 3500 Moonquacks (SOLD OUT!). Advertised as "by a team of non-billionaires [...] we're looking to democratize generational wealth for everyone" or such crypto bro nonsense. Learn more at the official links:
What's your take on the Moonquacks? Are Quacking Ducks the new Boring Monke's?
Note: For full follow along step-by-step documentation see On Air Now! Live Art Base Coding Session - Let's Download the 10 000 Moonrunner Token Meta Data, Images, & More - Don't Get Left Out Of The Pack - Follow Along. Here I post updates throughout the day - but a little less in detail. I try to upload all scripts, token metadata, images and more over at the pixel art exchange. In the artbase.sandbox see /moonquacks »
Okkie - let's start - the Moonquacks token contract:
And let's try query for the tokenURI for token #1 resulting in:
- ipfs://QmS3vn9hNd2sxM4igwbT3qfafXYxeeiArC67ETKx4vQuLS/1 convert to web link (using a ipfs web gatway) => https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmS3vn9hNd2sxM4igwbT3qfafXYxeeiArC67ETKx4vQuLS/1
And the meta data record for token #1 reads:
{"name":"MoonQuacks #1",
"description":"MoonQuacks is a collection of 3,500...",
{"trait_type":"Background", "value":"Green"},
{"trait_type":"Body", "value":"Brown"},
{"trait_type":"Outerwear", "value":"None"},
{"trait_type":"Headgear", "value":"None"},
{"trait_type":"Bill"," value":"Yellow"},
{"trait_type":"Eyes"," value":"Rainbow"},
{"trait_type":"Eyewear", "value":"Monocle"}]}
And let's try some more:
- https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmS3vn9hNd2sxM4igwbT3qfafXYxeeiArC67ETKx4vQuLS/2
- https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmS3vn9hNd2sxM4igwbT3qfafXYxeeiArC67ETKx4vQuLS/3
- https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmS3vn9hNd2sxM4igwbT3qfafXYxeeiArC67ETKx4vQuLS/4
- ...
Let's try the image link (again via an ipfs web gateway) for token #1:
And let's try some more:
- http://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmea6VGe5x7NgsnNEbbUZ3KT49gy2NEEu3UAAMMw6ZFnTs/2
- http://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmea6VGe5x7NgsnNEbbUZ3KT49gy2NEEu3UAAMMw6ZFnTs/3
- http://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmea6VGe5x7NgsnNEbbUZ3KT49gy2NEEu3UAAMMw6ZFnTs/4
- ...
Next let's have a looksie at the pixel art and let's bring in / on the art critiques...
Art Question #1: What's the dimension (width x height) in pixels of the image?
A: 350x350
Art Question #2: What's the zoom factor (5x? 10x?) used in the "for-sale display" image and what's the true pixel art dimension (width x height)?
A: The zoom factor is 8x+ and the true pixel art dimension is 42x42 (8px x 42 = 336 + 14).
Now let's hand it over to the artbase machinery. Let's add the collection configuration in /moonquaks/collection.rb reading:
COLLECTION = TokenCollection.new( 'moonquacks', 3500,
token_base: 'ipfs://QmS3vn9hNd2sxM4igwbT3qfafXYxeeiArC67ETKx4vQuLS/{id}',
image_base: 'ipfs://Qmea6VGe5x7NgsnNEbbUZ3KT49gy2NEEu3UAAMMw6ZFnTs/{id}',
format: '42x42', # 8px * 42 = 336 (+14)
source: '350x350',
offset: 1,
And now you can:
Download all metadata one-by-one using:
$ artbase moonquacks m
Download all images one-by-one using:
$ artbase moonquacks i
Downsample (from 350x350 to 42x42) / pixelate all images one-by-one using:
$ artbase moonquacks px
Generate an all-in-one composite:
$ artbase moonquacks composite
And more.