Reposted from Breaking News - Monkerunner Project Lead Is A Crypto Bro Fraudster - Wen Rug Pull? BagHODLers Together Strong:
a reminder - selling worthless jpegs that anyone can download & copy (hint: right-click & save) also known as "non-fungible" token are a crypto bros scammers' paradise.
As the latest case study let's point out the red flags on the 6666 monkeyrunner trending (SOLD OUT!) token sale:
Who's the artist? Would you buy art if you do not know the artist's name & bio (life story)? We don't know. Red flag?
By the way, the artist is the computer a.k.a. CGI - the bitmap is a computer-generated imagery (CGI) in 2D 50x50 pixels.
Where's the artist from? Or let's state the obvious - where's the crypto bro fraudster from? We don't know. Red flag?
Let's read-up on the fraudster in its own words:
so wen monke fell into lava new monke appear that were special... a game is being developed with a nice bounty prize at the end... currently the contract is paused... it will open at some point. you will be able to mint again. it will have changed to make way
Clearly to put together the fraud requires intelligence and we can assume the crypto fraudster knows excatly what he's doing (that is, getting-rich-quick by selling token to greater fools). For another case study of "self-declared doxxed - and - thus, honest fraudsters", see Crypto Bro Fraudster Case Study - The Jeremy & Florian's ® Expansion Punks - Jeremy Posvar (Microsoft) & Florian Uhde (IBM) - Raking In Millions of Free Money In The Name Of Inclusion & Diversity & Female Empowerment.
Anyways, back to the writing - sounds like a English-as-a-second-language speaker - welcome to wonders of the internets - world wide fraud at your fingertips.
Apes are falling from the tree into lava... goodbye, farewell.
7 burned, more coming.
Last chance to grab below .02 [ETH]... 6-7 monke just fell into lava.... More are sick and are starting to fall.
321,3564,3554,2244,5738,3415,2753,5349,1171,2935 3562,3580,2377,6543,1731,3317,2459,3043,3035,1856,3560,3012,1458,4100,1176,1389,4598
You guys are minting and listing below the burn floor... You have 10 mins to remove them..
Monkes falling from trees at such a fast pace... removing the low barrier of entry to our clan..
Monke like this chart.. we monke family [number go up]
It's endless pump & dump fear-of-missing-out (FOMO) hustling and even criminal market manipulation by burning the token of "owners" that list (try to flip / resell) below the "suggested" .02 [ETH] minimum price of the "decentralized" collection.
What's your take? What am I missing or not seeing? What red flags do you look for or see? Any commentary on the pixel art? Any inside news on the (serial?) crypto bro fraudster? Is rug pulling the new normal? Wen MonkeFest® with Snopp Dogg® & Eminem®? Wen MonkeBurger®?
Update The monke'runner con-artist is back today and posts:
G[ood] m[orning] monke' fam[ily].
[Minimum] floor [price] so low.. monke' hang near lava..
Calculating the number needed to burn.. unsure why so many paperhands [selling / flipping monke' at such a low price]..
Monke boss show them we’re for real and the game is set. Let the burning begin!!!
I'd rather have a collection with 1500 diamond hands than having 5000 paper-handed virgins on board.
Burn them!! Damn paper hands trying to sell for $5.
Burn baby burn.
Burn burn burn burn. Please do not reincarnate … let's lower the supply.
This floor price project is basically over.
Its been less than 48hrs. This isn't over until I say it's over!!!
And on and on. It's all about the art, isn't it?
let's continue the tradition started yesterday (Sun Jun26th) - and for more live coding fun today - let's add some more moonrunner collections to download. Any good "derivates" out there? Yes, you can - tell us and post a comment.
Let's start with 6666 Monkerunner (SOLD OUT!). Advertised as "Strong together. Don't fall from the branch..." or such crypto bro nonsense. Learn more at the official links:
What's your take on Monkerunners? Are Monke's the new Apes? Yes, you can. Tell us and post a comment.
Note: For full follow along step-by-step documentation see On Air Now! Live Art Base Coding Session - Let's Download the 10 000 Moonrunner Token Meta Data, Images, & More - Don't Get Left Out Of The Pack - Follow Along. Here I post updates throughout the day - but a little less in detail. I try to upload all scripts, token metadata, images and more over at the pixel art exchange. In the artbase.sandbox see /monkerunners »
Okkie - let's start - the Monkerunners token contract:
And let's try query for the tokenURI for token #0 resulting in:
- ipfs://QmeBAUAiXjEBLW2Pjm6B5grpCfUftoZndS5FjN7s5ZekV4/0.json convert to web link (using a ipfs web gatway) =>
And the meta data record for token #0 reads:
{"name":"Monkerunners Official #0",
"description":"6,666 Strong...",
And let's try some more:
- ...
Let's try the image link (again via an ipfs web gateway) for token #0:
And let's try some more:
- ...
Next let's have a looksie at the pixel art and let's bring in / on the art critiques...
Art Question #1: What's the dimension (width x height) in pixels of the image?
A: 600x600
Art Question #2: What's the zoom factor (5x? 10x?) used in the "for-sale display" image and what's the true pixel art dimension (width x height)?
A: The zoom factor is 12x and the true pixel art dimension is 50x50 (12px x 50 = 600).
Now let's hand it over to the artbase machinery. Let's add the collection configuration in /monkerunners/collection.rb reading:
COLLECTION = 'monkerunners', 6666,
token_base: 'ipfs://QmeBAUAiXjEBLW2Pjm6B5grpCfUftoZndS5FjN7s5ZekV4/{id}.json',
image_base: 'ipfs://QmbTuEyZdS7cyG1Si967eWpiS2QaMgofzAsCBgizHFdQGE/{id}.png',
format: '50x50', # 12px * 50 = 600
source: '600x600',
And now you can:
Download all metadata one-by-one using:
$ artbase monkerunners m
Download all images one-by-one using:
$ artbase monkerunners i
Downsample (from 600x600 to 50x50) / pixelate all images one-by-one using:
$ artbase monkerunners px
Generate an all-in-one composite:
$ artbase monkerunners composite
And more.