All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed issue in showing the overridden value of conductor size in the load schedule and voltage drop.
- App won't start after update or if app is installed in Program files.
- Backup old project when overriding.
- Added ability to save project files in any user folder.
- Loading of file
- Recent projects list.
- Load project from recent projects list.
- Save location selector on project creation.
- Save button only enables when there are changes in the project.
- Fix github actions build.
- New github actions build.
- Fix issue where changing project title overrides the existing projects.
- Add persisted logs for debugging purposes.
- New github actions build.
- Fix issue where the app cannot be used because of system error.
- Project file names are now appended if the file already exists.
- Fix missing plugin updater.
- Fix ci/cd.
- Drag and drop changing panels/loads.
- Multi copy of panels/loads.
- Multi delete of panels/loads.
- Save to file and load from file.
- Fix issue of undoing a batch copy/remoal of panels/loads.(undoing a batch copy/removal of panels/loads will also undo as a batch).
- Fix settings theme switcher.
- New Settings dialog for clean and easy access to app settings.
- Multi copy preference for copying multiple panels or loads in settings.
- Multi copy of panels or loads.
- Voltage drop.
- Undo & Redo functionality.
- Dropdown menu for selecting heirarchy actions
- Ability to export specific panelboard schedule.
- Add preference to show or hide loads in Unit Heirarchy.
- Fix extra shifted load data row, add one more row spacing.
- Unit Heirarchy tree re-rendering behavior when modifying load schedule, now updates only affected nodes.
- Changelog history markdown rendering.
- Overlapping panelboard schedule excel export when heirarchy is too complex.
- Toast notification when performing export to excel.
- Add ErrorCell component and integrate error handling for conduit and conductor sizes in table columns.
- Updated app logo.
- Remove adding load in crkt no. cell in load schedule.
- Update column headers and improve rendering logic in base columns for better clarity and functionality.
- Adjust ampacity range condition and add error handling for conduit size in computations.
- Enhance error handling in sidebar header by adding a description field for improved clarity on export failures.
- Improve export error handling in sidebar header by adding descriptive messages for missing project and highest unit.
- Swap voltage and apparent power values in sidebar header for correct data representation.
- Adjust calculation placement for l(t) in sidebar header to correct row positioning.
- Fix alignment and value assignment for l(t) calculation in sidebar header.
- Update load schedule handling for 1P and 3P phases in sidebar header.
- Test release for in app update.
- Exporting of panelboard schedule to excel file.
- In app updates.
- Changelog history.
- In app updates
- Changelog history loader.
- In app update automation
- In app update
- Add Ampere Trip overriding feature.
- Add Ampere Trip indicator on load schedule.
- Computation of EGC Size
- Computation of Conductor Size
- Computation of Conduit Size
- Refactoring Node Retrieval by ID
- Overriding Data in EGC Size, Conduit, Ampere Frames and Conductor
- Changing Insulations for EGC and Conductor
- Add default values of kAIC, pole, conduit type, and ampere frames
- Implement Adjustment Factor toggle in app settings
- In app update
- Add Ampere Trip overriding feature.
- Add Ampere Trip indicator on load schedule.
- Load schedule heirarchy when deep copying a panel.
- Improve query performance.
- Fix incorrect increment and decrement button placement.
- Inconsistent window title version indicator.
- Update dependencies to fix security vulnerabilities.
- Heirarchy quick actions
- Quick copy panel/load actions
- Etc..
- Supply from when adding panel/load using the quick actions
- Quick copy of highest unit removes the whole project (fixed and should not be possible)
- Update dependencies to fix security vulnerabilities.
- Changing of load supply from to any load or highest unit.
- More bugs
- Horsepower rating dropdown options.
- Alert in form when circuit number is already taken by a panel/load.
- Fix remove load context menu state on heirarchy.
- Inconsistent icons library(sticking with lucide-svelte)
- Transformer distribution unit not being set to default value when first load.
- Panel total load to panel supplier.
- Load type varying input/options.
- Terminal temperature default value to "Standard temperature"
- Fixed issue where the context menu dialog would not close after completing or canceling an action
- Remove max varies limit
- Distinguishable heirarchy icon/label
- Automatically repopulate varies/continuous/load type fields when the load description is changed on DEFAULT loads
- Circuit number validation
- Confirmation dialog upon project/panel/load removal
- Fix sidebar issue when resizing
- Ui update after mutations.
- Main description (highest unit form) when adding new panel.
- Add app icon
- Etc.
- Fix deployment issue
- Fix data sync issue
- Add delete heirarchy function
- Fix adding loads and panels by adding rxdb update plugin
- Fix adding loads and panels
- Add changelog entry.
- Fix cargo lock file
- Add changelog entry.
- Fix rxdb heirarchy
- Fix changelog entry.
- Test cross-platform deployment.
- Fix ci/cd pipeline again this time.
- Fix ci/cd pipeline again.
- Fix ci/cd pipeline
- The project has now a changelog