This is a library which helps you to get LIVE notifications of actions taking place on your websites and applications. Just Copy past the below codes and get live updates of errors and actions. Make Categories of pings based on projects (etc) and assign it to your team mates. That's what PingMeLive does. Easy right!. and get your API KEY
Step 1 Copy PingMeLive Library File (PingMeLive.php) in
Step 2 Autoload the PingMeLive Library in
$autoload['libraries'] = array('pingmelive');
- Step 3 Define the Crendentials in Constant in
// Copy the code below and simply paste in the constant.php
$pingmeliveConf = array("apiKey" =>"Your API KEY","projectID" =>"PROJECT ID","errorLogStatus"=>true,"errorTitle"=>"CodeIgnitor PHP Error");
defined('PingMeLiveConfig') OR define('PingMeLiveConfig', json_encode($pingmeliveConf));
** To enable PingMelive Error Logging , you have to disable the Default Codeigniter Error Logging Handlers.
For disabling, comment this lines in {BASEROOT}/system/core/CodeIgniter.php
// set_error_handler('_error_handler');
// set_exception_handler('_exception_handler');
// register_shutdown_function('_shutdown_handler');
...and you are done!
You can also use pingMeLive for sending custom events.
//To trigger Simple Event, Just call the below function.
If you want to send some detailed long description you can use Detailed event
//To trigger Detailed Event, Just call the below function.
- apiKey : To get an
, register on Its free to use. - projectID : Once registered, Click on New Project to create.
- errorStatus :
(Boolen Value). - errorName : This will be your
Group Title/Name
where all the error will be pinged.(This works whenerrorStatus
is set astrue
. - groupTitle : This will be your
Group Tilte/Name
under which , you will get all your pings. - eventMessage : The
is limited to 360 character in length. Any additional characters beyond 360 character will be truncated. - detailDescription : The
is does not have any length limitation. You can also send JSON Formatted String / or simple plain string.
- If you only want error pings, Just include the
pingMeLive library
and andIntialize
it. - You can smartly use
for creating uniques group for your pings.