All components of this product are Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Dynport GmbH. All rights reserved.
Some inventions disclosed in this source code may be claimed within patents owned or patent applications filed by Dynport GmbH or third parties.
Subject to the terms of this notice, Dynport grants you a non-exclusive, nontransferable license, without the right to sublicense, to (a) install and execute one copy of these files on any number of workstations owned or controlled by you and (b) distribute verbatim copies of compiled library components of this product to third parties and (c) distribute this compiled library components of this product as part of your application to end-users. As a condition to the foregoing grant, you must provide this notice along with each copy you distribute and you must not remove, alter, or obscure this notice. All other use, reproduction, modification, distribution, or other exploitation of these files is strictly prohibited, except as may be set forth in a separate written license agreement between you and Dynport. The terms of any such license agreement will control over this notice. The license stated above will be automatically terminated and revoked if you exceed its scope or violate any of the terms of this notice. Further, the license stated above will be automatically terminated and revoked at the end of your service contract’s or subscription contract’s billing period if your service contract or subscription contract is terminated.
If any source code of this product is disclosed to you unintentionally or intentionally including but not limited to as part of a voluntary audit-process you may not disclose the source code to any other party nor use any part of it outside of the scope of any service contract, subscription contract or the license agreement with Dynport.
This license does not grant permission to use the service marks, product names, trade names, or trademarks of Dynport, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of this file and reproducing the content of this notice. You may not mark or brand this file with any service marks, product names, trade names, or trademarks other than the original brand (if any) provided by Dynport.
Unless otherwise expressly agreed by Dynport in a separate written license agreement, these files are provided AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, including without any implied warranties of FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, or NON-INFRINGEMENT. As a condition to your use of these files, you are solely responsible for such use. Dynport will have no liability to you for direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages or for lost profits or data.