Releases: pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
Releases · pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
0.0.0 (2021-11-09)
- add default props (543f99e)
- add initConfig (b7c8e98)
- add initfile (86c4cd1)
- add initPackages (7e69da7)
- add managerEip (bc29260)
- add npm scripts (d3794dd)
- add release an publish options (cd2433d)
- add userData (736ce6a)
- add userData (e0e065e)
- adding simple unit test (3701233)
- attach initPackages (b497c54)
- attach metadata (476f140)
- configure Cache policy (e412e31)
- configure env at the stack level (3e85b02)
- configure machine Image (2c9eac3)
- configure managerRole (9fc97cf)
- configure props (2099310)
- configure RestartHandles (bcf4616)
- improve security groups connections (a267aa5)
- lookup the vpc by it's name (cf93b6b)
- make gitlabToken be required (458e13c)
- make the app out of construct (721d7db)
- provide Go publish example (4d51bd5)
- provide the app context (d32aa9b)
- provide the app entrypoint (4aa9490)
- run build actions on push also (69e1f91)
- set key pair (a895848)
- set subnet type (b980961)
- transform a construct into a stack (708a8fb)
Bug Fixes
- add missing prop gitlabToken (2ba47d1)
- app should be created in the scope of a Stack (e6a8400)
- build without synth (c3b6cfa)
- cacheBucketExpirationDate (0812cf3)
- cacheBucketExpirationDate (949186d)
- cacheBucketName (0a12da5)
- configure release branch (ab5ecd3)
- gitlabMaxConcurrentBuilds (3116884)
- policy document from json (926ae5c)
- projenrc (ece9e23)
- remove bucket deployment (6f96c5f)
- remove unused props (ad6917d)
- simplify managerInstanceType (5308c9b)
- use const for config set keys (6d52975)
- use IVpc instead of Vpc as type (995e9b8)
- userData (aec050d)