- DirectX SDK
- MinHook
- Copy Debug folder from this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1copy8NUyPMNecgfMSc4mMtTHYP3I04db/view to main directory of Hitman Absolution
- Copy HitmanAbsolutionSDK.dll to Debug folder
- For injecting DLL copy dinput8.dll (/~https://github.com/pavledev/DInput8Proxy) to Debug folder or use any DLL injector
- Run RelocateExportTable.exe (/~https://github.com/pavledev/RelocateExportTable) and export classes listed here /~https://github.com/pavledev/HitmanAbsolutionSDK/wiki
- Convert dll files to lib files
- Run engine.exe
- F4 - Gravity Gun - move actors, items and props while aiming at them (they can be launched with arbitrary force and direction)
While aiming use . and , keys to move actor, item, or prop back and forth - F5 - Kill Nearby Actors - kill actors by walking near them
- F6 - Display Nearby Actors Info - displays actor's name and type
- F7 - Grappling Hook
- F8 - Fly
- F9 - Menu
- Debug Console
- Actors Info (Change actors positions, kill actors, teleport to player, ...)
- Player Info (Modify health, modify ammo, change outfit, teleport, ...)
- Items Info (Modify ammo, change position, teleport items, add items to inventory)
- Props Info (Modify position)
- HUD Info (Modify weapons ammo, create text)
- Game Stats Info (Kill count, ...)
- Cheats (Infinite health, infinite ammo, invisibility, refill instinct bar)
- UI Options (Change graphics settings)