A Conjure definition is made up of one or more source YAML files. Each file may define multiple types, services and errors. Types may also be imported from other files. Source files must end in .yml
. Here is a suggested structure:
The Conjure compiler requires each file to conform to the ConjureSourceFile structure, specified below:
Note: All field names in the specification are case sensitive. In the following description, if a field is not explicitly REQUIRED or described with a MUST or SHALL, it can be considered OPTIONAL.
Each source file must be a YAML object with the following allowed fields:
Field | Type | Description |
types | TypesDefinition | The types to be included in the definition. |
services | Map[string → ServiceDefinition] |
A map between a service name and its definition. Service names MUST be in PascalCase. |
The object specifies the types available in the Conjure definition.
Field | Type | Description |
conjure‑imports | Map[string → string ] |
A map between a namespace and a relative path to a Conjure definition file. Namespace aliases MUST match ^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$ |
imports | Map[string → ExternalTypeDefinition] |
A map between a type alias and its external definition. Type aliases MUST be in PascalCase. |
definitions | NamedTypesDefinition | The types specified in this definition. |
For example, one file called common.yml
might define a Conjure type called ProductId
default-package: com.palantir.product
alias: string
A separate file in the same directory, example.yml
, can then reference types defined in common.yml
common: common.yml
default-package: com.palantir.product
alias: common.ProductId
A type that is not defined within Conjure. Usage of external types is strongly discouraged because Conjure is unable to validate that external types match the serialization format of the base type. They are intended only to migrate existing APIs to Conjure.
Field | Type | Description |
base‑type | ConjureType | A base-type is provided as a hint to generators for how to handle this type when no external type reference is provided. Note that the serialization format of the base-type fallback should match the format of the imported type. If the imported type is a non-primitive JSON object, then a base-type of any should be used. |
external | ExternalImportDefinition | The external types to reference. |
base-type: string
java: com.palantir.package.someDataType
References to types that are not defined within Conjure.
Field | Type | Description |
java | string |
The fully qualified Java type. |
The object specifies the types that are defined in the Conjure definition.
Field | Type | Description |
default‑package | string |
objects | Map[TypeName → AliasDefinition or ObjectTypeDefinition or UnionTypeDefinition or EnumTypeDefinition] | A map between type names and type definitions. |
errors | Map[TypeName → ErrorDefinition] | A map between type names and error definitions. |
Package names are used by generator implementations to determine the output location and language-specific namespacing. Package names should follow the Java style naming convention: com.example.name
A ConjureType is either a reference to an existing TypeName, a ContainerType or a BuiltIn.
Named types must be in PascalCase and be unique within a package.
Container types like optional<T>
, list<T>
, set<T>
and map<K, V>
can be referenced using their lowercase names, where variables like T
, K
and V
can be substituted for a Conjure named type, a built-in or more container types:
map<string, boolean>
map<rid, optional<datetime>>
Built-in types are always lowercase, to distinguish them from user-defined types which are PascalCase.
Definition for an alias complex data type.
Field | Type | Description |
alias | ConjureType | REQUIRED. The Conjure type to be aliased. |
safety | LogSafety | The safety of the type in regards to logging in accordance with the SLS specification. Allowed values are safe , unsafe , and do-not-log . Only conjure primitives, and wrappers around conjure primitives may declare safety, the safety of complex types is computed based on the type graph. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the type. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
package | string |
REQUIRED if default-package is not specified. Overrides the default-package in NamedTypesDefinition. |
Definition for an object complex data type.
Field | Type | Description |
fields | Map[string → FieldDefinition or ConjureType] |
REQUIRED. A map from field names to type names. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the type. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
package | string |
REQUIRED if default-package is not specified. Overrides the default-package in NamedTypesDefinition. |
Field names must appear in either lowerCamelCase, or kebab-case, or snake_case. Code generators will respect casing for wire format, but may convert case formats to conform with language restrictions. As a result, field names must be unique independent of case format (e.g. an object may not define both caseFormat and case-format as fields).
docs: Some documentation about the whole type
package: com.palantir.example
foo: string
type: string
docs: Some documentation about the specific field
Definition for a field in a complex data type.
Field | Type | Description |
type | ConjureType | REQUIRED. The name of the type of the field. It MUST be a type name that exists within the Conjure definition. |
safety | LogSafety | The safety of the type in regards to logging in accordance with the SLS specification. Allowed values are safe , unsafe , and do-not-log . Only conjure primitives, and wrappers around conjure primitives may declare safety, the safety of complex types is computed based on the type graph. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the type. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
deprecated | DocString | Documentation for why this field is deprecated. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
Definition for a union complex data type.
Field | Type | Description |
union | Map[string → FieldDefinition or ConjureType] |
REQUIRED. A map from union names to type names. If the value of the field is a string it MUST be a type name that exists within the Conjure definition. Union names MUST be in lowerCamelCase. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the type. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
package | string |
REQUIRED if default-package is not specified. Overrides the default-package in NamedTypesDefinition. |
It is common for a generator to also generate a visitor interface for each union, to facilitate consumption and customization of behavior depending on the wrapped type. The interface includes a visit() method for each wrapped type, as well as a visitUnknown(String unknownType) method which is executed when the wrapped object does not match any of the known member types.
package: com.palantir.example
serviceLog: ServiceLog
notAServiceLog: RequestLog
Definition for an enum complex data type.
Field | Type | Description |
values | List[string or EnumValueDefinition] | REQUIRED. A list of enumeration values. All elements in the list MUST be unique and be UPPERCASE. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the type. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
package | string |
REQUIRED if default-package is not specified. Overrides the default-package in NamedTypesDefinition. |
Definition for a single value within an enumeration.
Field | Type | Description |
value | string | REQUIRED. The enumeration value. Value MUST be unique and be UPPERCASE. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the type. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
deprecated | DocString | Documentation for why this value is deprecated. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
Definition for an error type.
Field | Type | Description |
namespace | string |
REQUIRED. The namespace of the error. The namespace MUST be in PascalCase. |
code | ErrorCode | REQUIRED. The general category for the error. |
safe‑args | Map[string → FieldDefinition or ConjureType] |
REQUIRED. A map from argument names to type names. These arguments are considered safe in accordance with the SLS specification. If the value of the field is a string it MUST be a type name that exists within the Conjure definition. |
unsafe‑args | Map[string → FieldDefinition or ConjureType] |
REQUIRED. A map from argument names to type names. These arguments are considered unsafe in accordance with the SLS specification. If the value of the field is a string it MUST be a type name that exists within the Conjure definition. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the type. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
namespace: com.example
allCategories: list<CategoryId>
A field describing the error category. MUST be one of the following strings, with HTTP status codes defined in the wire spec:
A service is a collection of endpoints.
Field | Type | Description |
package | string |
REQUIRED The package of the service. |
base‑path | PathString | REQUIRED The base path of the service. The path MUST have a leading / . The base path is prepended to each endpoint path to construct the final URL. Path parameters are not allowed. |
default‑auth | AuthDefinition | REQUIRED The default authentication mechanism for all endpoints in the service. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the service. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
endpoints | Map[string → EndpointDefinition] |
REQUIRED A map of endpoint names to endpoint definitions. |
A PathString consists of segments separated by forward slashes, /
. Segments may be literals (any alphanumeric string beginning with a letter and may contain the characters .
, _
, -
) or path parameters (see below).
When comparing multiple paths, the path with the longest concrete path should be matched first.
Curly braces, {}
, can be used to mark a section of a PathString as parameterized.
Given a Conjure definition with the following paths, a request with path /branch/foo
would be matched to /branch/foo
Assuming the definition contains multiple path parameters (as shown below), a request with path path/dataset/fetch
would be matched to /path/dataset/{arg}
A field describing an authentication mechanism. It is a string
which MUST be of the following:
: do not apply authorization requirementsheader
: apply anAuthorization
header argument/requirement to every endpoint.cookie:{{name}}
: apply a cookie argument/requirement to every endpoint, where{{name}}
should be replaced with your desired cookie name.
An object representing an endpoint. An endpoint describes a method, arguments and return type.
Field | Type | Description |
http | string |
REQUIRED The operation and path for the endpoint. It MUST follow the shorthand <method> <path> , where <method> is one of GET, DELETE, POST, or PUT, and <path> is a PathString. |
auth | AuthDefinition | The authentication mechanism for the endpoint. Overrides default-auth in ServiceDefinition. |
returns | ConjureType | The name of the return type of the endpoint. The value MUST be a type name that exists within the Conjure definition. If not specified, then the endpoint does not return a value. |
errors | List[EndpointError] | The errors that this endpoint may return. The errors listed here should be closely tied to problems that uniquely arise from the generating a response to the endpoint, which clients are expected to handle. |
args | Map[string → ArgumentDefinition or ConjureType] |
A map between argument names and argument definitions. If the value of the field is a string it MUST be a type name that exists within the Conjure definition. Furthermore, if a string the argument will default to auto ArgumentDefinition.ParamType. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the endpoint. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
deprecated | DocString | Documentation for the deprecation of the endpoint. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
tags | Set[string ] |
Set of tags that serves as additional metadata for the endpoint. |
http: POST /recipe/{categoryId}
categoryId: CategoryId
param-type: body
type: Recipe
returns: RecipeId
- error: CategoryNotFound
docs: A category with the provided category ID was not found.
See the example in the ErrorDefinition section for the definition of CategoryNotFound
An object representing an argument to an endpoint.
Field | Type | Description |
type | ConjureType | REQUIRED. The type of the value of the argument. The type name MUST exist within the Conjure definition. If this ArgumentDefinition has a param-type of body then there are no restrictions on the type. If the param-type is path then the de-aliased type MUST be an enum or a primitive (except binary , and bearertoken ). If the param-type is query then the de-aliased type MUST be an enum or a primitive (except binary and bearertoken ), or a container (list, set, optional) of one of these. If the param-type is header then the de-aliased type MUST be an enum or a primitive (except binary), or an optional of one of these. |
param‑id | string |
An identifier to use as a parameter value. If the param type is header or query , this field may be populated to define the identifier that is used over the wire. If this field is undefined for the header or query param types, the argument name is used as the wire identifier. Population of this field is invalid if the param type is not header or query . |
param‑type | ArgumentDefinition.ParamType | The type of the endpoint parameter. If omitted the default type is auto . |
safety | LogSafety | The safety of the type in regards to logging in accordance with the SLS specification. Allowed values are safe , unsafe , and do-not-log . Only conjure primitives, and wrappers around conjure primitives may declare safety, the safety of complex types is computed based on the type graph. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the argument. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
tags | Set[string ] |
Set of tags that serves as additional metadata for the argument. |
markers | List[string ] |
DEPRECATED. List of types that serve as additional metadata for the argument. If the value of the field is a string it MUST be a type name that exists within the Conjure definition. Prefer to use tags instead of markers. |
Arguments with parameter type body
MUST NOT be of type optional<binary>
, or, intuitively, of a type that reduces to optional<binary>
via unfolding of alias definitions and nested optional
param-type: body
type: Recipe
param-type: path
type: CategoryId
param-type: query
type: integer
param-type: header
type: string
param-id: X-Forwarded-For
A field describing the type of an endpoint parameter. It is a string
which MUST be one of the following:
: defined as the singluar body parameter or a path parameter if the name of the argument definition matches a path parameterpath
: defined as a path parameter; the argument name must appear in the request line.body
: defined as the singular body parameter.header
: defined as a header parameter.query
: defined as a querystring parameter.
A reference to an ErrorDefinition associated with a service endpoint.
Field | Type | Description |
error | TypeName | REQUIRED. A reference to a Conjure-defined ErrorDefinition. |
docs | DocString | Documentation for the argument. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
Throughout the specification docs
fields are noted as supporting CommonMark markdown formatting.
Where Conjure tooling renders rich text it MUST support, at a minimum, markdown syntax as described by CommonMark 0.27.
The safety of the type with regard to logging in accordance with the SLS specification.
Allowed values are safe
, unsafe
, and do-not-log
Only conjure primitives and wrappers around conjure primitives may declare safety, the safety of complex types is computed based on the type graph.
The exception is that bearertoken
is always considered do-not-log
and safety cannot be overridden.
For example, the following
default-package: com.palantir.product
alias: string
safety: safe
alias: list<optional<string>>
safety: unsafe
type: set<rid>
safety: do-not-log
# Safety cannot be declared for bearer-tokens, these are always
# considered 'do-not-log' because the bearer token is a credential
# type.
type: bearertoken
# Safety cannot be declared here, MySimpleAlias is responsible for
# declaring safety.
type: MySimpleAlias
# Safety cannot be declared on maps, or wrappers around maps.
# Consider using alias types to declare safety in a way that
# integrates with the type system
# e.g. map<MySimpleAlias,MySimpleAlias>
type: map<string,string>
package: com.palantir.product
http: POST /send
type: string
param-type: body
# Safety may be declared on primitive endpoint arguments as well as
# aliases, object fields, and union types.
safety: safe