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PadoGrid PadoGrid | Catalogs | Manual | FAQ | Releases | Templates | Pods | Kubernetes | Docker | Apps | Quick Start

PadoGrid 1.x Host OS VM Docker Kubernetes

Bundle: Power BI

This bundle contains a Microsoft Power BI example that interfaces Power BI with Geode/GemFire via the REST API.

This article can be viewed in your browser by running the following:

show_bundle bundle-geode-1-app-perf_test_powerbi-cluster-powerbi

Installing Bundle

install_bundle -download bundle-geode-1-app-perf_test_powerbi-cluster-powerbi

Use Case

In this use case, we integrate Microsoft Power BI with Geode/GemFire using the REST API to invoke the QueryFunction plugin included in the geode-addon distribution. We join co-located regions in our queries via the QueryFunction plugin and perform visual analytics from Power BI.

Power BI Data Flow Diagram

Required Software

  • Maven 3.x
  • Geode 1.x or GemFire 9.x/10.x

Configuring Bundle Environment

Make sure you have all the required products installed.

# To use Geode:
install_padogrid -product geode
update_padogrid -product geode

# To use GemFire:
# GemFire must be downloaded manually from the their website.
# The install_padogrid usage provides the download link.
install_padogrid -?
# Upon download, install it in $PADOGRID_ENV_BASE_PATH/products directory.
# For example, the following installs GemFire 10.1.0.
tar -C $PADOGRID_ENV_BASE_PATH/products -xzf ~/Downloads/vmware-gemfire-10.1.0.tgz
# Update the workspace environment with the installed GemFire version.
update_padogrid -product gemfire

Running Cluster

The bundle installs the powerbi cluster which can be started as follows:

# Switch into the powerbi cluster
switch_cluster powerbi

# Add a locator and two (2) members to the cluster
add_locator; add_member -count 2

# Start the cluster

Running perf_test_powerbi App

The bundle includes the perf_test_powerbi app with the preconfigured etc/ file for ingesting mock Customer and Order objects into the powerbi cluster which you started from the previous section.

Run the test_group command to ingest the data as follows:

cd_app perf_test_powerbi/bin_sh

# First, built the app

# Run test_group to ingest mock data into /nw/customers and /nw/orders
./test_group -prop ../etc/ -run

The above command ingests small sets of data as follows.

Region Count
/nw/customers 100
/nw/orders 1000

You can increase the number of entries in the etc/ file by changing the group properties.

cd_app perf_test_powerbi
vi etc/

The following properties should be changed.

# customers 

# orders

# If you changed the customer count then you should also consider changing the
# max number of customers to include them in the generated orders. This value is
# the upper bound of the customer ID that will be assigned to orders. If you want
# all of the customers to have orders then set it to the same value as g1.totalInvocationCount.

Loading .pbix Files

The following .pbix files are included in the bundle. You can load them from the Power BI Desktop.

cd_app perf_test_powerbi
tree etc/powerbi/


├── customer-orders.pbix
└── nw.pbix


This Power BI file interfaces Geode/GemFire using the function, QueryFunction provided by geode-addon. It queries customer and order objects by executing the following OQL query:

select * from /nw/customers c, /nw/orders o where c.customerId=o.customerId

To join Geode/GemFire regions, the regions must be colocated. The powerbi cluster has been preconfigured to co-locate /nw/customers and /nw/orders regions using the generic partition resolver, IdentityKeyPartitionResolver, provided by geode-addon. To properly use IdentityKeyPartitionResolver, the entry key must be a composite string that contains the routing key separated by the default delimiter '.' (period). For the powerbi cluster, the routing key is the second token of the entry key string. For example, the order entry key, k0000000920.000000-0055 contains the customer ID, 000000-0055 as the routing key.


curl -X POST "http://localhost:7080/geode/v1/functions/addon.QueryFunction?onRegion=%2Fnw%2Forders" \
     -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d "[ { \"@type\": \"String\",\"@value\": \"select * from /nw/customers c, /nw/orders o where c.customerId=o.customerId limit 100\"}]"

Power Query M:

    url = "http://localhost:7080/geode/v1/functions/addon.QueryFunction?onRegion=/nw/orders",
    content = "[{""@type"": ""String"",
            ""@value"": ""select * from /nw/customers c, /nw/orders o where c.customerId=o.customerId""}]",
    Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(url, [Content=Text.ToBinary(content)])),
    CombinedSources = List.Combine(Source),
    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(CombinedSources, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
    #"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"c", "o"}, {"c", "o"}),
    #"Expanded o" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded Column1", "o", {"orderId", "customerId", "employeeId", "orderDate", "requiredDate", "shippedDate", "shipVia", "freight", "shipName", "shipAddress", "shipCity", "shipRegion", "shipPostalCode", "shipCountry"}, {"o.orderId", "o.customerId", "o.employeeId", "o.orderDate", "o.requiredDate", "o.shippedDate", "o.shipVia", "o.freight", "o.shipName", "o.shipAddress", "o.shipCity", "o.shipRegion", "o.shipPostalCode", "o.shipCountry"}),
    #"Expanded c" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded o", "c", {"customerId", "companyName", "contactName", "contactTitle", "address", "city", "region", "postalCode", "country", "phone", "fax"}, {"c.customerId", "c.companyName", "c.contactName", "c.contactTitle", "c.address", "", "c.region", "c.postalCode", "", "", "c.fax"}),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Expanded c",{{"o.orderDate", type date}, {"o.requiredDate", type date}, {"o.shippedDate", type date}, {"o.shipVia", type number}, {"o.freight", Currency.Type}}),
    #"Sorted Rows" = Table.Sort(#"Changed Type",{{"c.customerId", Order.Ascending}})
    #"Sorted Rows"


This Power BI file interfaces Geode/GemFire using two separate queries as follows.

select * from /nw/customers
select * from /nw/orders

The results of the queries are then merged into one (1) table using Power Query M.


# customers
curl -X GET "http://localhost:7080/geode/v1/queries/adhoc?q=select%20*%20from%20%2Fnw%2Fcustomers%20limit%20100" \
     -H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"

# orders
curl -X GET "http://localhost:7080/geode/v1/queries/adhoc?q=select%20*%20from%20%2Fnw%2Forders%20limit%20100" \
     -H "accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"

Power Query M:


    Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("http://localhost:7080/geode/v1/queries/adhoc?q=select * from /nw/customers")),
    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Source, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
    #"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"customerId", "companyName", "contactName", "contactTitle", "address", "city", "region", "postalCode", "country", "phone", "fax"}, {"customerId", "companyName", "contactName", "contactTitle", "address", "city", "region", "postalCode", "country", "phone", "fax"})
    #"Expanded Column1"


    Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("http://localhost:7080/geode/v1/queries/adhoc?q=select * from /nw/orders")),
    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Source, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
    Table = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"orderId", "customerId", "employeeId", "orderDate", "requiredDate", "shippedDate", "shipVia", "freight", "shipName", "shipAddress", "shipCity", "shipRegion", "shipPostalCode", "shipCountry"}, {"o.orderId", "o.customerId", "o.employeeId", "o.orderDate", "o.requiredDate", "o.shippedDate", "o.shipVia", "o.freight", "o.shipName", "o.shipAddress", "o.shipCity", "o.shipRegion", "o.shipPostalCode", "o.shipCountry"}),
    #"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Table,{{"o.shipVia", type number}, {"o.orderDate", type date}, {"o.requiredDate", type date}, {"o.shippedDate", type date}}),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Changed Type1",{{"o.requiredDate", type date}, {"o.orderDate", type date}, {"o.shippedDate", type date}, {"o.freight", type number}}),
    #"Rounded Off" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Changed Type",{{"o.freight", each Number.Round(_, 2), type number}}),
    #"Merged Queries" = Table.NestedJoin(#"Rounded Off", {"o.customerId"}, customers, {"customerId"}, "customers", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
    #"Expanded customers" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Merged Queries", "customers", {"customerId", "companyName", "contactName", "contactTitle", "address", "city", "region", "postalCode", "country", "phone", "fax"}, {"c.customerId", "c.companyName", "c.contactName", "c.contactTitle", "c.address", "", "c.region", "c.postalCode", "", "", "c.fax"})
    #"Expanded customers"

Power BI Desktop

After loading the .pbix files, click on the Home/Refresh icon in the tool bar.

If the Home/Refresh button shows the Refresh error window similar to shown below, then you are not running PowerBI in the same host as the Geode cluster, which has been configured to run on localhost in this bundle.

Refresh Error

If you see the Refresh error then you will need to change your Geode cluster configuration and restart it as follows.

  1. Change bind address for the cluster
vi etc/

Replace localhost with the cluster host name or IP that can be reached by PowerBI.

  1. Change perf_test client configuration
cd_app perf_test_powerbi
vi etc/client-cache.xml

Replace localhost with the cluster host name or IP.

    <pool name="serverPool">
         <locator host="<cluster-host-ip>" port="10334" />
  1. Restart the cluster
stop_cluster -all

You must now replace localhost with the cluster host name or IP as in the data source URLs from PowerBI. This is done by selecting the Transform data/Transform data pulldown menu item to open the Power Query Editor and select the Home/Advanced Editor menu button from there.

Freight Costs by Date

Power BI Pie Chart

Customers by State

Power BI Map


stop_cluster -all


Integrating Power BI with Geode/GemFire is a trivial task using the Geode/GemFire REST API. For simple queries and small result sets, the REST API provides a quick and simple way to retrieve data in real time. However, the lack of OQL support for non-colocated data and the poor support for streaming large result sets greatly hamper its usability. The Geode/GemFire query service is not for executing complex queries and for returning large result sets. For that, a separate data extraction service is needed.

PadoGrid PadoGrid | Catalogs | Manual | FAQ | Releases | Templates | Pods | Kubernetes | Docker | Apps | Quick Start