Currently the deploy-script must be run in sudo mode. This is aimed to be improved. If you mistakenly run it as a normal user, you need the following to get it working again.
- sudo -i
- cd /home/ibf-user/IBF-system
- git reset --hard
- . ./tools/
- chown -R ibf-user:ibf-users .
Sometimes there is an issue with installing all packages for ibf-api-service. You run into a 'ts-node not found' error in the logs of the ibf-api-service.
- sudo -i
- cd /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/services/API-service
- rm -r node_modules
- cd /home/ibf-user/IBF-system
- chown -R ibf-user:ibf-users .
- exit (switch to normal user)
- cd /home/ibf-user/IBF-system/services/API-service
- npm install
- docker-compose restart ibf-api-service
Sometimes for unknown reasons the API & Swagger are unavailable, while 'docker-compose logs ibf-api-service' tells you that the API is running correctly.
- On the server run 'docker-compose restart nginx' in this case
- which will usually solve it.
In general it can never hurt to try setting all files to the right ownership. This can for example happen when you have uploaded raster-files via WinSCP to a server. But also in other unexpected ways.
- sudo -i
- cd /home/ibf-user/IBF-system
- chown -R ibf-user:ibf-users .
- exit
This guide is giving some additional tips for troubleshooting when setting up the IBF-system. However, start with the main README file.
To check if everything starts up correctly:
- All containers mentioned in the docker-compose file /IBF-system/docker-compose.yml should be up and running. Check e.g. via
docker container ls
- Application should load and respond properly on http://localhost:4200
- Check the logs of
viadocker-compose logs -f ibf-api-service
. Is it saying that the Nest application started successfully? - Can you visit the Swagger UI API documentation on http://localhost:3000/docs and try one of the GET endpoints?
If there is a problem with your existing database schema, you can always try to start clean by recreating it:
- Access the database via e.g. DBeaver
- Alternatively, access it via commandline using
docker-compose exec ibf-local-db bash
psql -U <chosen local-db-username>
- Throw away schema via
drop schema "IBF-app" cascade;
- Recreate schema:
create schema "IBF-app";
- Exit the database again
- Restart the ibf-api-service:
docker-compose restart ibf-api-service
ordocker-compose up -d ibf-api-service
- This will automatically run migration-scripts upon restart, which involves an "initial migration script" which creates all necessary tables.
- Wait until done. Check via
docker-compose logs -f ibf-api-service
- As always (see main README)
- Run the seed-script
- Run mock-endpoint (or external pipeline)
These below commands come in handy when you face such issue:
The Docker compose command starts and runs your entire app: docker-compose up
For dev environment we can use: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up
Execute this will create a container named ibf-api-service and start a Bash session: docker-compose exec ibf-api-service bash
To run seed script: docker-compose exec ibf-api-service npm run seed
Detached mode (-d) run command in the background: docker-compose up -d ibf-api-service:
Create the Docker image from the Dockerfile in this folder through: docker build -t ibf-api-service
To check the logs of IBF-api-service: docker-compose logs -f ibf-api-service
To restart the IBF-api-service in docker: docker-compose restart ibf-api-service
To install the IBF-api-services: docker-compose exec ibf-api-service npm install
You can refer this official docker document here