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EPCOS TDK N87 - Temperature Permitivitty

Measured with a I14/1.5/5 core.
Measured at a temperature of 25 C / 55 C / 85 C.
The peak electric field is maintained below 0.05 V/mm.

Dataset source:
    - Characterization and Impact of Large-Signal Dielectric Properties in MnZn Ferrites
    - Thomas Guillod, William V. R. Roberts, and Charles R. Sullivan
    - IEEE APEC 2024

Variable description:
    - f_vec - frequency vector in Hz (size n_f)
    - var_eps_25_vec - real permitivitty matrix at 25 C (size n_f)
    - var_eps_55_vec - real permitivitty matrix at 55 C (size n_f)
    - var_eps_85_vec - real permitivitty matrix at 85 C (size n_f)
    - var_sigma_25_vec - real conductivity matrix at 25 C (size n_f)
    - var_sigma_55_vec - real conductivity matrix at 55 C (size n_f)
    - var_sigma_85_vec - real conductivity matrix at 85 C (size n_f)

Thomas Guillod - Dartmouth College.
2023 - MIT License.