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Zack Fasel zfasel
Head Janitor at @urbanesec. #ScotchAndBubbles Mixologist. DEFCON CFP Board. @dc312’s Ogden. Travels too much, sleeps too little.

@urbanesec Chicago, IL

Christian Heinrich cmlh

@Malform Adelaide, Australia

Martin Thuo hartl3y94
Security Researcher

Hartley94 Kenya

mauvehed mauvehed
Hacker, Troll, and Mental Health Advocate.

@AustinHackers, @attrition-org, @SOCgoons, @RestInCode Austin, TX

Caret 641i130
I like Rust and secure systems.

404 IDK

Juno SaturnineTitan
A big nerd with a heart of gold. Currently learning about networks, applications, security, and automated trading.

IT guy USA