Dr.Nour Ibrahim
PhD , Assistant Researcher in Plant Genetics and Breeding, Plant Abiotic Stress, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
agriculture research center
Charith Madhuranga
🚀Self Learn Passionate Open Source Contributor in Automation, Edge Computing,Computer Vision,machine learning, Ecommerce and IoT 🌐
@Vioneta Sri Lanka
Aria Dolatabadian
Crop Genetics and Genomics | Plant-Microbe Interaction | Data Analysis and Visualisation
The University of Western Australia Perth, Australia
Markos Fragkopoulos
Attempting to move music making one step further with the help of web!
Izadora S. de Carvalho
Forest Engineer. I love study about: Remote Sensing, Fire, Vegetation, Savanna Ecosystem, Land Cover and Land Use.
PhD student in Agroecology - UEMA-PPGA
State University of Maranhão São Luís-MA / Brazil