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Victor Henriquez VictorHenriquez
I´m a Software Developer since 2015. I have an Accountant Background too. I´m a Project Manager and Data analyst. I´m open to working with you.

@HenriquezProductionsLLC Panamá

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Audrey Kadjar AudreyKj
Software Engineer passionate about JS/TypeScript, Python, the web, and Cloud technologies 👩🏻‍💻 ✨

@mytheresa Berlin, Germany

Pingu penguin321
Pinguin mit Sympathie, Optimismus, Hilfsbereitschaft, Interesse an Elektronik, IT und alles drumherum!


Happydev MoustaphaDev
Freelancer, Open source Lover, Full-stack Developer, Maintainer @withastro 🚀
Yves Kalume yveskalume
Software Engineer • Mobile • Google Developer Expert for Android


Leo Duque leodev182
Desarrollador en proceso, Fullstack. Amante de las ciencias la ingeniería y la tecnología.

Santiago Chile

Tomás Uzcátegui tomuzca
Machine Learning | Data Scientist | Industrial Engineer

Santiago, Chile

Igor Camilo igorcamilo
| (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

Berlin, Germany

Raul Sulaimanov RaulSul
iOS Developer @TierMobility GmbH | M.Sc. Cognitive Science

Tier Mobility GmbH Berlin

Ari Bermeki AriBermeki

Yellow-SiC Development Schwarzschildstraße 1, 12489 Berlin

Mario Kutlev mkutlev
Android Engineer

Berlin, Germany

Ana Paula Souza anapaulasandes
A crazy neuroscientist seeking hidden connections among diverse study fields.


Ostap Austinate
iOS Engineer

@sumup Berlin, Germany

Guilherme Camargo guisfits

Remote Sorocaba, Brazil

Oleksandr Khitko ks16
Senior Software Engineer

SumUp Augsburg, Germany

Rudy Puig rudypuig-sumup
Staff Engineer

@sumup Miami, FL, USA

Suellen suellen-2l

SumUp São Paulo, Brazil

Salvatore Piras salpiras
Android @LHV-UK

LHV Bank Cambridge, UK

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Clément Creusat ccreusat
Senior Frontend Engineer

Ornikar France

Leonardo Lemos mrlemoos
Frontend Engineer, software architecture enthusiast, and open-source contributor. 🚀


Henry George HJEGeorge
Engineer & Entrepreneur

SumUp London

Marek Wituszynski shynsky

Wroclaw / Poland

Eury garciaeury26

Santiago De los Caballeros