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János Litkei jnsltk

Chalmers University of Technology / University of Gothenburg Göteborg

Jonatan Hilmarch JHilmarch
IT Consultant

Proptikom AB Gothenburg

Tehreem Asif tehreemAsif63
Software Engineer | Sweden 🚀 Passionate software engineer with a focus on software development, embedded systems, and project management. Currentl

Gothenburg, Sweden

Gabriela Istrate EllaGab09
Aspiring Software Engineer


Elin Forssell obymael
SEM @GU/Chalmers

Gothenburg, Sweden

Henrik Lagrosen helagro
A student from Sweden


Michael König koenigscode

Student at University of Gothenburg Austria/Sweden

Louis Mercier Lme20
Student at GU/Chalmers, MSc Game Design & Technology, BSc Software Engineering & Management


Younis Akel Marble879
Software Engineering and Management Master student at the University of Gothenburg
Erik Harring harring
Studying Software Engineering and Management at University of Gothenburg


Michal Spano michalspano

Chalmers/Göteborgs Universitet Sweden