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Marc Fernandez marcferna

Sendoso San Francisco

Mike D michaelpduda
Developer of @Pulselyre | Formerly @sendoso and @leidosinc

@Microsoft Redmond, WA

Waqas Ali wqsaali
Full Stack Ruby on Rails Engineer

@sendoso Lahore Pakistan

Artem Ankudovich ArtemSendoso
Public profile can be found at @AAnkudovich

Sendoso Laois, Ireland

Muhammed Abubakr mabubakr10
Test Automation Engineer
Muhammad Ahmed Cheema mcheemaa
Software Engineer

@sendoso San Francisco

Fahid Idrees sfahado
I possess software development experience on the Ruby on Rails ecosystem Rack, Utilities, Deployment and VueJS. I am now working as senior software engineer.

@desertcart Ireland

Taimoor Changaiz taimoorsendoso


Alex Roman alexandrupero

CalypsoAI Dublin, Ireland

Ushay mo-ushay
Software Engineer

@sendoso Pakistan

Mario D'Arco mariodarco
Senior software engineer at @Workday, polyglot programmer, part time geek, full time dad.

Sendoso Naas

Dermot Brennan dermotb-sendoso
Senior Site Reliability Engineer @ Sendoso


Joo Yeon Lee jooyeonlee
I am a Software Engineer with various experience from software engineering to project management to sales and marketing at high tech companies.

Greater Chicago Area