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Urjit Bhavsar urjitbhavsar
Student. Rookie Science Researcher, Electronics Hobbyist, Youtube/UB's Lab.
PranavKharche24 PranavKharche24
Just a random guy who codes
Shubham S Jagtap ShubhamJagtap2000
Learner! A documentarian on GitHub so far!!

Cognizant Technology Solutions Beed, Maharashtra, India

Gauri Katti gauri2806
Motivated to advance and expand my skill set through targeted mentorship and challenging projects.

Connecticus Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pune

Prashik Gajanan Bhimte PrashikBhimte
Machine Learning Enthusiast & Full-Stack Developer | 3rd Year B.Tech Student at SGGS, Nanded | Building Innovative AI Solutions

Nanded, Maharashtra India

Saurav Kharat alpharosto
Backend Developer|Android Developer|Open-Source Contributer


Robotics for Next Generation (R.N.X.G) rnxg-sggs
Robotics team from Maharashtra, working on different technology stacks such as ROS, Sensor Fusion, Computer Vision, IoT, Drones, Holonomous drive Bots, etc.

RNXG, SGGSIE&T, Nanded Nanded, Maharashtra, India

Embedded Systems Developer

RNXG at SGGSIE&T Nanded Nanded

Aashutosh Karale Aashutosh-922
Deep Diving into code!

Firewires OneIoT Akola, Maharashtra, India

Yash Kondewar yashkondewar
Open-source Contributor

SGGS Nanded Bangalore