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Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

Toon Leijtens smart-t
Software engineer and consultant specialised in Blockchain start-up coaching, DLT DAPPs and Quantum computing.

ybzconsulting Netherlands

guido_guarda GuidoGuarda
Desenvolvedor Python | Focado em ciência de dados e IA | Apaixonado por inovação, resolução de problemas complexos e criar soluções escaláveis. Open to work.
Friso FreesoSaiFared
Life philosophy and writings as software project. Wave one. The AI State. A implementation of the state through AI. Legal Status of a Religion.

StateOfAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

George Delaportas (ViR4X) g0d
Businessman, Enterprise Architect, IT Security Expert, Code Hacker


Johan N. Martin johanmartindev

Johan Martin South Africa

Ivan Zorin ia
Just a regular curious engineer. Interests: embedded hardware, storage, network, radio, firmware, software & security, UX/UI & design.

@h0melab Sofia, Bulgaria

Kenny Thomas NeutronKen
New to Python. Programming mostly for Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

Germantown, MD USA

Devita g-devita
Electrical Engineering | Embedded systems

São Carlos - SP

Achmadi mekatronik-achmadi
sleep, gym, protein, programming

ITS Surabaya Indonesia

Nah Abreu astrolia
Estudante de Ciência da Computação IFSP - Salto

Salto - SP

Sihab Sahariar SihabSahariar
CTO | Zenraa Inc.

@iBAnalytica Dhaka

Daniël Schenk danielschenk
Software engineer, passionate about music, technology, and teaching.

@thermofisher via TMC Venlo

Maxima Max aditya-the-pro
a magician in romantic era 😏

Dev At Dream return mars?

Jared chinchillajared
Love to visit places surrounded by nature and being some time alone or with the people I love. I can spend the whole day coding, I enjoy being challenged.

Amazon Costa Rica

Eric Le Nay yanel
Legacy is a master branch

France - China

Bodo bodovoet

OpenSeam, Inc. Seattle, WA


Indiana, USA

Danilo Díaz Tarascó ddtdanilo
Electronic engineer with a passion for developing IoT devices, programming solutions, and building cloud-based applications. Always curious and eager to learn

Planet Earth

Jeff Edlund jeffedlund
Java SE, Java EE (Jakarta EE) developer, and 20+ year Linux guru.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


Pale blue dot