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Pınar Süngü İşiaçık psungu
Machine Learning Engineer | MSc in Computational Science & Engineering at Bogazici University
Robin Cole robmarkcole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery

@earthdaily London, UK

Hoang-Bao Le baohl00

Dublin City University Dublin, Ireland

Sanat sanatcodes
I'm a Software Engineer looking to work on impactful projects


Q. ruanqin0706

university college dublin @ml-labs-crt Dublin

Mansour Osman mansourhas
Machine learning engineer. I am interested in all things open source.
Nighat Bibi Nighatbibi
Education brings a positive change in behavior.

ML Lab-TUDublin Dublin

Eoin Delaney e-delaney
Working on Explainable and Trustworthy AI 🕵️🤖

Dublin, Ireland + Oxford, United Kingdom

Faithful Onwuegbuche faithfulco
I am passionate about the application of machine learning in cybersecurity and finance.

ML-Labs, University College Dublin Dublin

Rancy Chepchirchir RancyChepchirchir
Data Analyst/Engineer/Scientist

University of Hull Sheffield, UK

Aparna Nayak aparnanayakn

Technological University Dublin Dublin