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Ray Ray-Hackshaw

Cub Digital Auckland, New Zealand

Tom Hackshaw et0and

Yufugumi ~dormer-tabful

Daniel S. earthnuker
Mostly moved to GitLab [] and gitdab []
Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Orchid Manor arcnemesys
Audio engineering lead me here, and now I rust away, though I find time for other things, occasionally, such as blogging, and building a digital anti-library.
Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Celestial-Entity stardoom4
A curious Science student.
bryce xsova
QA Engineer @ Triage Medical Staffing Computer Science student @ SNHU

Triage Medical Staffing Omaha, NE, USA

Conlin Durbin wuz
Senior Frontend Engineer at @Whatnot-Inc . Typescripter. TTRPG-er. writing at ⌨️

@Whatnot-Inc Indianapolis, IN

Hannah Crawford EMBYRDEV
Sr. Programmer on Warframe. Co-creator of SPRAWL & Qodot Maintainer.

Digital Extremes Liverpool, UK

Eiven Mitchell ej-mitchell
Enthusiastic about open-source software, art, the Fediverse, and nature. Community focused.
Oliver Herrmann monoxane
Hi, I develop tools that help people make TV

Melbourne, AU

Antoine Jaunard antoine3000
The true method of knowledge is experiment


SDO seconddayout

Pisces–Cetus filament

Fayek Helmi 256k
I code mainly as an excuse to type on ~~fancy~~ *weird* keyboards


Jacob Ford unitof
Tight-end developer.

// no comment LLC UWS of LES

michael benning mdbenning
gis, remote sensing and hydrology @ uni bonn

Geographisches Institut @ Uni Bonn Bonn, Germany

Youenn Piolet uZer
What year is this?

Radio France Paris, FR

Futura isfutura
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
Reid D McKenzie arrdem

@abnormal-security Denver, CO

Winnie Ying WY9888
Chicest Cliché Traits 🌹

Westwood IPL Los Angeles

Anish Lakhwara Chickensoupwithrice
student of the craft. i actually self-host gitea:
Luca Talevi farfalk
Freelancer Information Engineer. I love to make people, machines and processes interact together in harmony.
John Akers johnakers

Looking for work SF Bay Area

Rodrick RodFireProductions
Just a dead inside artist trying to see the silliness in life.

Silly Land

F0RGD33R forgdeer
programmer and artist making games
Edmond Burnett edmondburnett
Software Engineer, musician. Backend, systems, Linux, indie web. Research in permacomputing.

Seattle, WA