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Diéffrei Quadros dieffrei
Salesforce Technical Architect

@psignite Joinville / BR

rhami MuhammadAnas786
Software Engineer || Solana Web3 || MERN || Solidity

Vancouver, Canada

Gareth garethredfern
👨🏼‍💻 building with Nuxt & VueJS. With a love for electronic music & cycling.

Redfern Web UK

Articuno PixelmonPRO
👋 Creator Pixelmon.PRO 💎 The Protocol Monster Ambassador & Big #NFT Collector 🙌

@TeamPixelmonPRO Yuniverse

a PhD c in Mechanical Engineering. Thermal Design & Control AI Engineering
Rossi Meacham CorradoRossi

WGMI Capital && PixelPunk Design Belfast ME

Barış Görgülü ulquiomaru
live many lives

Istanbul, Turkey

< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer • 3D Technical Artist • Designer • Blockchain
I haven't really thought about it yet


GreatApe42069 GreatApe42069
Self taught & Learning Everything I can. I Love Gaming, Đogecoin, Đoginals, Coding & all things Tech related 🎮🛑 doʇSǝɯɐꓨ & 🐕Đ𝓸𝓰𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷🌑

The Node Runners In the middle of NoWhere, Somewhere on Another Realm 42069

Emanuel Posescu kind3r

DacodaSoft Bucharest

Javed Khan tuxcanfly
Core Developer

@bcoin-org @handshake-org Remote

Jason Schwarz passandscore

Smart Contract, Fullstack Dev @ Liveart Canada

Diego dcorral
UTXO expert


Guoyi GuoyiZhang
Web3 full stack developer @blockchain


Daniel Bui danielbui12
DOT address: 15raURujBQWTeNvm7ML5B6DGEHizL1qyxT9ipYSPhcUzSxoz

Hanoi, Vietnam