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C. Maj chrsmj
Currently the Open Source Solutions Advocate at Sangoma 🌄 and also watching the sun set on the role of TechnoCaptain at Penguin PBX Solutions 🌆

@sangoma Denver, Colorado, USA

Maheswara Reddy NEERUMAHI
Senior Software Engineer C++
Karsten Horsmann khorsmann
Devops Expert, Senior VoIP and System Engineer.

Germany / Hanover

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


the8woodcutter the8woodcutter
🤔 -- My main interest in python and flask at the moment ----- 🌴 Most of my repositories are forked for my own interest sake or stagnant at this time ⚠️ 🥺


Thomas Howe howethomas
I design communications networks. Someone has to.

Strolid Cape Cod

Adelino Pereira adelinopds
ADS: 3/6 - Dev Fullstack, Linux, JS, REACT, MONGODB, DOCKER

Analista de sistemas / Diniz supermercados juazeiro do norte, CE - Brazil

Matt Spurrier digitalsparky
Perth, WA based developer and systems engineer. PHP, Golang, Ruby, Bash, Linux, Mac, Vagrant, Docker

SenseICT Pty Ltd Perth, Australia

Billy Coleman III ProdByBuddha
I’m a passionate Full-Stack Developer with extensive experience in building dynamic and scalable web applications.

Los Angeles, CA

Soroush mohammadi sorooshm78
🌐 Loading...

Green and Silver Leaves

Sooz luvsooz

@BridgetecKorea Seoul

Mikal mikalv
Working as security architect and programmer. Language agnostic, security focused. Oslo, Norway

Chen Ziyan CzyerChen
bigData java spring


GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.

Fujian Economic School China,Fujian

Farzaneh Soltanzadeh Fr-Soltanzadeh
Learning Python/Django


Shaun Dolan shaun-dolan

Inrush Broadcast Services Chicago

Mohamed medOualla
VoIP DevOps Engineer from Morocco. SIP, SDP, RTP, HTTP, aSBC, iSBC, kamailio, openSIPs, freeSWITCH, RTPEngine, python, GoLang, bash.

@Orange-OpenSource Rabat-Salé (Morocco)

Yves Marinho yvesmarinho
I'm self-taught. I come from the OPS area heading towards DEVOPS. At the moment I'm dedicating myself to learning Python coding.

YM IT Solution Provider São Paulo Brasil

Daniel Cogo cogodaniel
I´m a professional that work with VoIP, Asterisk, WebRTC. I use Python, C and PHP. I study signal processing and machine learning


Emre mrzcn
Microsoft, VoIP, SIP and telecommunications
