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Oliver Wanjala omwami999

@carbonbits @zendawa-africa Nairobi

eann ahn-github

EANN Donghae, Gangwon

Lucas Shen Y. S. LSYS
Applied econ | Data science | Quantitative social science | Senior data janitor
Renzo Cáceres Rossi lightbluetitan
Soy un fanatico del Lenguaje de programación R y RMarkdown

Lima, Perú

Luiz Miguel Klen Leite klenmiguel
M.A. in Maritime Studies | MSc in Public Administration. My research is focused on Strategic Studies, Civil-Military Relations, and Political Science.
Melek Çetinel MelekCetinel
Ozyegin University

Ozyegin University Istanbul

Vinicius Santos vsntos
PhD PolSci @ufmg | former visiting researcher @Cambridge_Uni / @CLAS_Cam | @UBARectorado & @unb_oficial | computational social scientist

Senado Federal Brasília

Mariette Soninhekpon mariettesoninhekpon
I am a junior Data Analyst. #R #Python.
David david-shiko
💡 Code lover, problem solver. Believer in the power of binary. "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."

Israel, Tel-Aviv

Leigh leighphan
open data, maps, libraries, design, @codelaboc

Los Angeles, Calif.

Emil Møller Rasmussen emr-dk
Geographer, Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer @ City of Copenhagen. Interested in Data, Python, Analysis, climate change and learning new stuff

Copenhagen DK

Syed Mir Habib syedmirhabib
I am Habib from Bangladesh, learning Full-Stack Web App Development. Interested in Cloud, Web & App, AI, BlockChain, startups, and Business.

Bangladesh University of Professionals(BUP) Mirpur DOHS. Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Irene Aguerri iaguerri
Geo & Data


Philipp Baumann philipp-baumann
Working in public transport. In my spare time: developing tools for computational reproducibility. Chemical diagnostics with spectroscopy and data analytics.

Public Transport Bern, Switzerland

Alexander Mann-Wahrenberg basejumpa
Software and Systems Engineer

VITRONIC Group Germany, Wiesbaden

Ademola Ogunmokun Ademola101
Stack: NodeJs, React, React-Native, Ruby on Rails.

Software Developer Nigeria