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Amalia Litsa alitsa
Owner, Dear Diary Coffee Owner, Amalia Foods

Dear Diary Coffee Austin TX


Fort Collins, CO

Sal Rahman shovon
Working on DeFi and AI

Surrey, BC, Canada

Charath Ranganathan charathram

@pfactorio Azusa, CA, USA

Shekhroz Shekhrozx
Python Backend Engineer | Ph.D. | Crafting Scalable Solutions 💻 Passionate about Code and Innovation

Seoul, South Korea

Muahammad Waqas MWaqasMW
Frontend & MERN Stack Developer in @3Const | Passionate about creating seamless user experiences Web Applications

@3Const Pvt Ltd Karachi

Tony Richards SgtFlame
Director of Engineering at @hatboysoftware

Hat Boy Software, Inc Richmond, VA

Corey Dolik cdolik
Venture Partnerships, GitHub for Startups

GitHub Boston, MA

Duncan Kiragu Duncan-Kiragu
BE Engineer

Kuala Lumpur | Nairobi

Hakan Günay hgunay
Dev.Team Leader at @BT-Bilgi (Vodafone) C# | .NET | SQL | RUST | GO

@BT-Bilgi Ankara, Turkey

Rohit Yadav Rohitrky2021
Rohit Yadav doing my B.Tech in ECE from IIIT


Miracle Ogbonna metalcode03
love to code and manage awesome teams... all private repo...


Samaila Chatto Bashir samaila-bashir
Author and Senior Frontend Engineer

Kaduna, Nigeira

Pittsburgh Digital Firm LLC Bigperm-pdf
A Blockchain Company

Pittsburgh Digital Firm LLC pittsburgh pa